As countries conduct mini COVID-19 vaccine Post-Introduction Evaluation (mini-cPIE), also called the COVID-19 Vaccination Intra-Action Review (IAR), to review and adjust their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, WHO will be hosting regular clinics for countries to share learnings with peer countries.
Countries that have already conducted a mini-cPIE will be invited to share their experiences, while countries interested in conducting a mini-cPIE can have the opportunity to directly connect with these countries to seek advice and ask questions they may have, including practical tools and tips for the preparation, conduct and follow-up of a mini-cPIE. Countries can also use these clinics to propose new tools they deem useful or request technical support from WHO.
This mini-cPIE clinic series will be held in the coming months as countries review the early phase of their vaccine roll-out using the WHO IAR (mini-cPIE) tools. This page provides a list of resources (recordings, slides, consolidated participant questions and answers) from each webinar in the series.
Links to recordings, presentation slides, and consolidated participant question and answer (Q&A) documents are available for the following clinics:
- Mini-cPIE Clinic #01: Global Overview and Country Experience Sharing (28 July 2021)
- Mini-cPIE Clinic #02: Country Experience Sharing and Lessons Learned (21 September 2021)
- Mini-cPIE Clinic #03: Country Experience Sharing and Lessons Learned from Fragile States/Humanitarian Contexts (12 October 2021)
- Mini-cPIE Clinic #04: Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake - Unique Risk Communication and Community Engagement Approaches (23 November 2021)
- Mini-cPIE Clinic #05: Inequities in vaccine uptake and gender considerations (14 December 2021)
Links to additional resources:
- COVID-19 vaccination specific IAR (mini-cPIE) tools (on WHO COVID-19 vaccination toolkit webpage):
- Guidance for conducting a country COVID-19 Intra-Action Review (IAR) + Addendum 1 + generic templates and tools:
- OpenWHO training on the Management and Facilitation of a Country COVID-19 Intra-Action Review (IAR):
Mini-cPIE Clinic #01: Global Overview and Country Experience Sharing
Date: 28 July 2021
This session is intended to provide a brief global overview of the mini-cPIE (COVID-19 vaccination IAR) implementation situation and to hear directly from three countries (Bhutan, The Gambia and Senegal) regarding their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, including good practices and lessons learned identified from the mini-cPIE, changes triggered by the mini-cPIE and the impact on COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. The countries also share their most important piece of advice for other countries just starting their programme.
- Ms. Shoshanna Goldin, WHO HQ
- Dr. Landry Ndriko Mayigane, WHO HQ
- Dr.Cindy Chiu de Vázquez, WHO HQ
- Dr. Sonam Wangchuk, NITAG, Bhutan
- Dr. Sidat Fofana, Ministry of Health, The Gambia
- Dr. Boly Diop, MSAS, Senegal
- English:
- Français:
- Español:
- Please see pdf slides presented during the mini-cPIE clinic 1 session.
Questions and answers
- The questions asked by participants during the session have been compiled into the following Q&A document.
Mini-cPIE Clinic #02:Country Experience Sharing and Lessons Learned
Date: 21 September 2021
During this session, we hear directly from two countries (Ghana and Uganda) regarding their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out, including good practices and lessons learned identified from the mini-cPIE, actions taken following the mini-cPIE and the impacts on COVID-19 vaccine roll-out. The countries also shared their most important piece of advice for other countries interested in conducting a mini-cPIE and improving their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.
- Dr. Jenny Walldorf, WHO HQ
- Dr. Maung Maung Htike, WHO SEARO
- Dr. Kwame Amponsa-Achiano, Programme Manager, EPI, Ghana Health Service
- Dr. Annet Kisakye, EPI Focal Point, WHO Uganda
- English:
- Français:
- Español:
- Please see pdf slides presented during the mini-cPIE clinic 2 session.
Questions and answers
- The questions asked by participants during the session have been compiled into the following Q&A document.
Mini-cPIE Clinic #03: Country Experience Sharing and Lessons Learned from Fragile States/ Humanitarian Contexts
Date: 12 October 2021
In this special themed session, we learn about the current global situation of COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in humanitarian settings, and hear directly from two countries (South Sudan and Somalia) on their learnings from COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in this unique context. These include good practices and challenges that may be useful for other similar settings. The countries also share their most important piece of advice for other countries wanting to improve their COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in humanitarian settings, displaced or refugee populations.
- Dr. Jenny Walldorf, WHO HQ
- Dr. Jussi Sane, WHO EURO<b
- Dr. Eba Al-muna Pasha, WHO HQ
- Dr. Amos Bobole, WHO Country Office, South Sudan
- Dr. Mohammad Hamayoun, WHO Country Office, Somalia
- English:
- French:
- Spanish:
- Arabic:
- Russian:
- Please seepdf slides presented during the mini-cPIE clinic 3 session.
Questions and answers
- The questions asked by participants during the session have been compiled into the following Q&A document.
Mini-cPIE Clinic #04: Promoting COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake - Unique Risk Communication and Community Engagement Approaches
Date: 23 November 2021
In this special themed session, we learn about the use of unique Risk Communication and Community Engagement approaches to promote COVID-19 vaccine uptake in three countries (DR Congo, Mozambique and Kosovo). These include experience sharing of good practices and challenges that may be useful for other similar settings, as well as the actions taken and their impact on COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the respective countries.
- Dr. Jenny Walldorf, WHO HQ
- Ms. Melinda Frost, WHO HQ
- Ms. Lisa Menning, WHO HQ
- Mr. David Olela, Communication Chief, Vaccination Programme, Ministry of Health, DR Congo
- Dr. Ulmenia Mangujo, Programme Officer, WHO CO, Mozambique
- Mr. Thanas Goga, Technical Officer RCCE, WHE Balkan hub, WHO EURO
- English:
- French:
- Spanish:
- Arabic:
- Russian:
- Portuguese:
- Please see pdf slides presented during the mini-cPIE clinic 4 session.
Questions and answers
- The questions asked by participants during the session have been compiled into the following Q&A document.
Mini-cPIE Clinic #05: Inequities in vaccine uptake and gender considerations
Date: 14 December 2021
In this session focused on inequities in COVID-19 vaccination uptake, we heard an interesting country presentation from Bolivia and another on gender considerations for the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out.
- Dr. Jenny Walldorf, WHO HQ
- Ms. Lisa Menning, WHO HQ
- Ms Clara Rodriguez, WHO HQ
- Lic. Maria Renee Castro Cucicanqui, Viceminister of Promotion, Epidemiologic Surveillance, and Traditional Medicine Bolivia Ministry of Health & Sports
- Dr Shirin Heidari, Senior Technical Consultant, Gender, Equity, Human Rights and Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals, WHO HQ
- English:
- French:
- Spanish:
- Arabic:
- Russian:
- Portuguese:
- Please seepdf slidespresented during the mini-cPIE clinic 5 session.
Questions and answers
- The questions asked by participants during the session were responded verbally, please refer to the recording.