Forum mondial de recherche sur les vaccins et l'immunisation (GVIRF)

Angela Hwang

Le forum mondial de recherche sur les vaccins et l'immunisation (GVIRF) est la plateforme centrale de discussion de tous les aspects de la recherche et de l'innovation liés au Programme pour la vaccination à l'horizon 2030  (IA2030). Le GVIRF rassemble d'éminents experts de la santé publique, du monde universitaire, de gouvernements, de la société civile et du secteur privé et sert de forum pour :

  • Suivre les progrès et examiner les obstacles liés à la recherche et au développement (R&D) de vaccins prioritaires ;
  • Identifier les lacunes, les opportunités et les actions pour la communauté R&D dans les domaines des vaccins et de l'immunisation ;
  • Créer des opportunités de réseautage et de collaboration entre les communautés de la R&D sur les vaccins et de l'immunisation ; et
  • Examiner les progrès accomplis dans la réalisation des objectifs stratégiques et des buts de l'IA2030 en matière de R&D.

Comme l'ont approuvé le Conseil de Leadership de l'IA2030 et le Groupe consultatif stratégique d'experts (SAGE) de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé, les rapports sur la recherche et l'innovation pour l'IA2030 sont réalisés tous les deux ans par le GVIRF, en mettant l'accent sur :

  • Le développement des capacités d'engagement avec les utilisateurs finaux,
  • La mise au point de nouveaux vaccins,
  • L'accélération du développement, de l'homologation et de la mise à jour des vaccins, et
  • L'amélioration de l'efficacité des programmes et l'augmentation de la couverture.

Le GVIRF est organisé conjointement par l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé, le National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, et la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates.

La dernière réunion s'est tenue en mars 2023. Entre les réunions du GVIRF,  des webinaires GVIRF explorent les derniers développements dans des domaines spécifiques, tels que les technologies des vaccins à ARNm et les vaccins contre le paludisme. 

Les annonces, les ordres du jour, les vidéos et les présentations des réunions et des webinaires passés et à venir du GVIRF sont disponibles ci-dessous. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..

Prochain événement (Anglais)

Cette collection contient des informations sur la prochaine réunion ou le prochain webinaire GVIRF.

2024-1121 GVIRF Webinar: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Vaccine Research & Development - ANNOUNCEMENT AND REGISTRATION LINKGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
GVIRF 2025 Agenda OverviewGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
GVIRF 2025 Call for Abstracts2024Poster/infographicAnglais

Webinaires GVIRF (Anglais)

Cette collection contient des documents issus de la série continue de webinaires GVIRF.

2021-10-14 mRNA Vaccine Technologies for Global Health - AGENDAGVIRF Secretariat2021PresentationAnglais
2021-10-14 mRNA Vaccine Technologies for Global Health - PRESENTATIONSGVIRF Secretariat2021PresentationAnglais
2021-10-14 mRNA Vaccine Technologies for Global Health - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarAnglais
2022-03-03 Malaria Vaccine R&D and Immunization Lessons Learned and Considerations for Global Health Impact - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarAnglais
2022-03-03 Malaria Vaccine R&D and Immunization: Lessons Learned and Considerations for Global Health Impact - AGENDAGVIRF Secretariat2022PresentationAnglais
2022-06-23 AMR: Las vacunas como herramientas para prevenir la RAM - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarEspagnol
2022-06-23 AMR: Les vaccins comme outils de prévention de la RAM - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarFrançais
2022-06-23 AMR: Vaccines as Tools to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarAnglais
2022-06-23 AMR: Vaccines as Tools to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance: Advances, challenges, and future development - AGENDAGVIRF Secretariat2022PresentationAnglais
2022-06-23 Vaccines as Tools to Prevent Antimicrobial Resistance: Advances, challenges, and future development - WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENTGVIRF Secretariat2022PresentationAnglais
2022-10-12 Correlates of Protection - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2022WebinarAnglais
2023-09-13 Webinar: Vaccine Adjuvants for Global Health - Final AGENDAGVIRF Secretariat2023WebinarAnglais
2023-09-13 Webinar: Vaccine Adjuvants for Global Health - Session I Global Demand for Vaccine AdjuvantsGVIRF Secretariat2023PresentationAnglais
2023-09-13 Webinar: Vaccine Adjuvants for Global Health - Session II Selection of Adjuvant and Formulation for Vaccine R&D: rational or empirical?GVIRF Secretariat2023PresentationAnglais
2023-09-13 Webinar: Vaccine Adjuvants for Global Health - Session III Access to AdjuvantsGVIRF Secretariat2023PresentationAnglais
2023-09-13 Webinar: Vaccine Adjuvants for Global Health - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2023WebinarAnglais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: New TB Vaccines for Adults & Adolescents: Progress, Prospects and Perspectives; February 22, 2024 - FINAL AGENDAGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: New TB Vaccines for Adults and Adolescents - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: New TB Vaccines for Adults and Adolescents, Progress, Prospects, and Perspectives, February 22, 2024 - ANNOUNCEMENTGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: New Tuberculosis Vaccines for Adults and Adolescents: Progress, Prospects, and Perspectives - PRESENTATIONSGVIRF Secretariat, Richard White, Nebiat Gebreselassie, Mark Hatherill, Ann Ginsberg, Nicole Frahm, Munyaradzi Musvosvi, David Lewinsohn, Shelly Malhotra, Rupali Limaye, Birgitte Giersing2024PresentationAnglais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: Nouveaux vaccins antituberculeux pour adultes et adolescents - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarFrançais
2024-0222 GVIRF Webinar: Nuevas vacunas contra la tuberculosis para adultos y adolescentes - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarEspagnol
2024-0730 GVIRF Webinar: New Combination Vaccines - PRESENTATIONSGVIRF Secretariat2024PresentationAnglais
2024-0730 GVIRF Webinar: New Combination Vaccines - Questions and AnswersGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais
2024-0730 GVIRF Webinar: New Combination Vaccines - VIDEOGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarChinois, Anglais, Français, Portuguais, Espagnol
2024-0730 GVIRF Webinar: New Combination Vaccines; July 30, 2024 - AGENDA and REGISTRATION LINKGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarChinois, Anglais, Français, Portuguais, Espagnol
2024-1121 GVIRF Webinar: Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Vaccine Research & Development - ANNOUNCEMENT AND REGISTRATION LINKGVIRF Secretariat2024WebinarAnglais

GVIRF 2023 (Anglais)

Cette collection contient des documents du GVIRF 2023.

Agenda - GVIRF 2023 - PRINTABLEGVIRF Secretariat2023PresentationAnglais
GVIRF 2023 Poster AbstractsGVIRF Secretariat2023Poster/infographicAnglais
GVIRF 2023 Welcome and Opening RemarksLee Hall2023WebinarAnglais
Keynote 1 - Vaccines in the Post-COVID Era: Can Policy and Practice Keep up with ScienceBarney Graham2023WebinarAnglais
Keynote 2 - Future Pandemic R&D Preparedness in Korea and Translating Pandemic R&D Learnings into the Broader Global Health AgendaHeechang Jang, NIH Korea; Jerome Kim, IVI2023WebinarAnglais
KN1 Vaccines in the post-COVID era: Can policy and practice keep up with science?Barney Graham2023PresentationAnglais
KN2-1 Future Pandemic R&D Preparedness in KoreaHee-Chang Jang2023PresentationAnglais
KN2-2 Translating pandemic R&D learnings into the broader global health agendaJerome Kim2023PresentationAnglais
P1 From GVAP to IA2030: roles of vaccine R&D to enable successLee Hall2023WebinarAnglais
P1-1 Overview of GVAP and IA2030Lee Hall2023PresentationAnglais
P1-2 Lessons Learned from the Global Vaccine Action PlanNoni MacDonald2023PresentationAnglais
P1-3 Looking Ahead – Themes that will influence the R&D agendaHelen Matzger2023PresentationAnglais
P1-4 IA2030 Strategic Priority 7: Research & Innovation. Overview and goalsKwaku Poku Asante2023PresentationAnglais
P1-5 Partnering with regions and countries to identify priority pathogens for vaccinesBirgitte Giersing2023PresentationAnglais
P2 - Lessons from COVID-19 vaccines and future pandemic preparednessCharlie Weller2023WebinarAnglais
P2-2 Research & innovation: Outbreaks preparedness & responseAna Maria Henao Restrepo2023PresentationAnglais
P2-3 CEPI's Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 pandemic response and the 100 day mission for pandemic preparednessMelanie Saville2023PresentationAnglais
P2-4 Regulatory Perspective: BrazilGustavo SantosPresentationAnglais
P2-5 Lessons learned from an industry R&D perspectiveTonya Villafana2023PresentationAnglais
P3 - Current status of R&D for HIV, TB, Malaria, and Universal Influenza vaccines (and reports from Workshops 1-3)Annie Mo, Jerome Kim2023WebinarAnglais
P3-1 Introduction: Current status of vaccine R&D for HIV, Tb, Malaria, and Universal fluAnnie Mo2023PresentationAnglais
P3-3 Tuberculosis Vaccine R&DMark Hatherill2023PresentationAnglais
P3-4 HIV Vaccine UpdateShan Lu2023PresentationAnglais
P3-5 Current Status of Universal Influenza Vaccine Research and DevelopmentPunnee Pitisuttithum2023PresentationAnglais
P4-1 The Full Value of Vaccines Assessment (FVVA) conceptMark Jit2023PresentationAnglais
P4-2 Using the FVVA framework to estimate the potential health and economic impacts of novel TB vaccines in low- and middle-income countriesRichard White2023PresentationAnglais
P4-3 The Full Vacccine Accessment for Group A Streptococcus VaccinesDavid Bloom2023PresentationAnglais
P4-4 A Pathway to Impact: Exploring the potential of measles rubella microarray patches to reach zero dose children and improve measles vaccine coverage through an initial Full Value Vaccine AssessmentJean-Pierre Amorij2023PresentationAnglais
P5 - Innovating to find and reach Zero-Dose ChildrenSamir Sodha2023WebinarAnglais
P5-1 Introduction to Zero-DoseSamir Sodha2023PresentationAnglais
P5-2 Mapping the distribution of zero-dose children and their characteristics in low- and middle-income countriesC. Edson Utazi2023PresentationAnglais
P5-3 Using mHealth Interventions to Improve Vaccination CoverageAbdul Momin Kazi2023PresentationAnglais
P5-4 Strengthening Routine Immunization: Use of Reaching Every District - Quality Improvement (RED-QI) approachMelkamu Ayalew2023PresentationAnglais
P6 - Vaccine technologies for equityPhilippe-Alexandre Gilbert2023WebinarAnglais
P6-2 The Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy (VIPS): driving innovations to improve vaccine delivery in low- and middle-income countriesJean-Pierre Amorij2023PresentationAnglais
P6-3 A low footprint vaccine manufacturing platform for in-country, for-country productionMathias Garny2023PresentationAnglais
P6-4 Single Injection VaccinesAna Jaklenec2023PresentationAnglais
P6-5 EuBiologics’s Vaccine Technologies for EquityRachel Park2023PresentationAnglais
P7 Optimizing vaccine regimensAndrew Pollard, Kristen Earle2023WebinarAnglais
P7-1 GVIRF Plenary 7: Optimizing vaccine regimensKristen Earle2023PresentationAnglais
P7-2 Optimizing immunization schedulesNaor Bar-Zeev2023PresentationAnglais
P7-3 Impact on immunogenicity: Dose, Schedule and PlatformAndrew Pollard2023PresentationAnglais
P7-4 Optimizing vaccine regimens – HPV VaccinesDeborah Watson-Jones2023PresentationAnglais
P7-5 Timing of South Africa's PCV and  Measles infant doses: considerations on the adoption of a vaccine scheduleRudzani Muloiwa2023PresentationAnglais
P8 - Reflections and closing remarks: Progress and the path forwardNoni MacDonald, Dalhousie U.2023WebinarAnglais
W1 - Immunological and Vaccine Considerations for Special Populations: women of reproductive age and pregnancy, people living with HIV, and older adultsCarolyn Deal, Ruth Karron2023WebinarAnglais
W1-2 Vaccines for special populations: Immunological considerationsArnaud Didierlaurent2023PresentationAnglais
W1-3 Group B Streptococcus Vaccination in Pregnant WomenAnna Seale2023PresentationAnglais
W1-4 TB Vaccine Roadmap for People Living with HIVMindy Miner2023PresentationAnglais
W1-5 COVID 19 vaccine effectiveness in the elderly populationTarun Saluja2023PresentationAnglais
W2 - Novel vaccine platformsMax Silverman, Sue Ann Clemens2023WebinarAnglais
W2-3 mRNA and adjuvants friends…or foes ?Nathalie Garcon2023PresentationAnglais
W2-4 Nanoparticle Vaccines: A success story for viral vaccine developmentHarry Kleanthous2023PresentationAnglais
W2-5 New Developments in Viral Vector VaccinesJerry Sadoff2023PresentationAnglais
W3 - Regional manufacturingMartin Friede2023WebinarAnglais
W3-2 An African Mission - Establish and SustainPatrick Tippoo2023PresentationAnglais
W3-3 Biological E. LimitedMahima Datla2023PresentationAnglais
W3-4 Gavi’s Strategy to Support Regional ManufacturingMarta Tufet2023PresentationAnglais
W3-5 The case for globally distributed vaccine manufacturing - CEPI perspectiveMelanie Saville2023PresentationAnglais
W4 - Mucosal immunity and vaccinesMelanie Saville2023WebinarAnglais
W4-1 Mucosal Immunity: Opening RemarksMelanie Saville2023PresentationAnglais
W4-2 Mucosal Immunity: What’s special about it and can vaccines induce it?Peter Openshaw2023PresentationAnglais
W4-3 A Mucosally-delivered Newcastle Disease Virus-vectored Booster Vaccine to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Breakthrough Infection and TransmissionMichael Egan2023PresentationAnglais
W4-4 Adenovirus Vector Based Covid-19 Inhalation VaccineChunlin Xin2023PresentationAnglais
W4-5 mRNA-lipid nanoparticle vaccines for intranasal deliveryDarin Edwards2023PresentationAnglais
W4-6 A translational Research Institute focused on vaccines and airway immunityPeter Andersen2023PresentationAnglais
W5 - Vaccine development strategies at the intersection of market model, value drivers, and access policyJessica Martinez, Raman Rao2023WebinarAnglais
W5-4 The Next Frontier in Defining Value: Health Economics in LMICsAlice Chen2023PresentationAnglais
W5-5 Developing vaccines as global public good: RIGHT foundation’s approachHani Kim2023PresentationAnglais
W6-1 What is implementation research and why is it important?Alexander Rowe2023PresentationAnglais
W6-3 Implementation research needs on vaccine delivery according to epidemiological contextHalidou Tinto2023PresentationAnglais
W6-4 Reaching adolescent girls with the HPV vaccineCathy Ndiaye2023PresentationAnglais
W6-5 Protecting young infants through immunopreventionJessica Fleming2023PresentationAnglais
W7 - New vaccines on the horizonAlejandro Cravioto, Shahida Baqar2023WebinarAnglais
W7-2 Dengue VaccinesAnnelies Wilder-Smith2023PresentationAnglais
W7-3 2023: the year of RSVRuth Karron2023PresentationAnglais
W7-4 Enteric Disease: Shigella and ETEC Vaccine DevelopmentMichelo Simuyandi2023PresentationAnglais
W8 - Select poster highlightsPeter Dull, Sinead Delany-Moretlwe2023WebinarAnglais
W8-1 Workshop 8: Select Poster HighlightsPeter Dull2023PresentationAnglais
W8-2 Changing the HPV Landscape with Indigenous Vaccine: CERVAVACHitt Sharma2023PresentationAnglais
W8-3 High prevalence of rotavirus infection among under five children despite a high rotavirus vaccination coverage in EthiopiaDebasu Damtie2023PresentationAnglais
W8-4 Innovative DDS "DegradaBALL" for mRNA vaccine against next pandemics: "100 days mission"Dal-Hee Min2023PresentationAnglais
W8-5 Cross-neutralization of Influenza A by SARS-CoV-2 antibodiesMohammad Mamun Alam2023PresentationAnglais
W8-6 Nucleoprotein Antigen Adjuvanted with Liposomal Cholesterol-linked TLR7/8 Agonist Showed Protective Immunity in Influenza Mouse ModelChul Kim2023PresentationAnglais
W8-7 RV 460 Study: Comparative Adjuvant Study or HIV Env-C DNA and Protein Vaccines in KenyaJosphat Kiprop Kosgei2023PresentationAnglais
W8-8 The landscape of infectious disease exposure over the past two decades in the Kenyan coastTimothy Chege2023PresentationAnglais
W8-9 Polyvalent strategy to the development of broadly protective vaccines against COVID-19 subvariantsChang-Yuil Kang2023PresentationAnglais
W9-1 Understanding and addressing behavioural and social driversLisa Menning2023PresentationAnglais
W9-2 Vaccine uptake and equity: How to understand and address low uptakeJulie Leask2023PresentationAnglais
W9-3 Applying Social Science & Behavioural Design in Development and Humanitarian settings: Middle East & North AfricaAmaya Gillespie2023PresentationAnglais
W9-4 Use of Social data to inform programmatic action for COVID-19 vaccine uptake in NigeriaHadley Ikwe2023PresentationAnglais
Welcome & Opening remarksLee Hall2023PresentationAnglais

GVIRF 2021 (Anglais)

Cette collection contient des documents du GVIRF 2021.

*Meeting Summary: Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum, 2021Andrew FordJournal articleAnglais
Agenda - GVIRF 2021GVIRF Secretariat2021PresentationAnglais
Introduction to GVIRFB. Fenton Hall2021WebinarAnglais
KN1 Vaccinology in the context of pandemic preparedness: The COVID-19 experienceAnthony Fauci2021WebinarAnglais
KN1 Vaccinology in the context of pandemic preparedness: The COVID-19 experienceAnthony Fauci2021PresentationAnglais
KN2 The Lessons of COVID-19 for Vaccine DevelopmentBill & Melinda Gates Foundation2021WebinarAnglais
KN2.2 Innovating from Research to Impact at Scale: the role of the Gavi AllianceAnuradha Gupta2021WebinarAnglais
KN3 Research for EquitySoumya Swaminathan2021PresentationAnglais
KN3 Research for Equity - VIDEOSoumya Swaminathan2021WebinarAnglais
P1 Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and ResponseGeorge F. Gao, Helen ReesWebinarAnglais
P1.1 Research during outbreak response: from Ebola to the COVID-19 pandemicAna Maria Henao Restrepo2021PresentationAnglais
P1.2 Rapid Response Platforms for COVID-19 VaccineMelanie Saville2021PresentationAnglais
P1.3 Rapid (and precise) COVID-19 Vaccine Development Enabled by Prototype Pathogen PreparednessBarney S. Graham2021PresentationAnglais
P2 HIV, TB & Malaria Vaccine UpdateNorman Baylor, Lucky Slamet2021WebinarAnglais
P2.1 Current status and future prospects for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccinesLinda-Gail Bekker, University of Cape Town2021PresentationAnglais
P2.2 Update on progress in tuberculosis vaccine developmentAnn Ginsberg2021PresentationAnglais
P3 Shaping the Future: Equitable Access for AllDaniel Feikin, Robin NandyWebinarAnglais
P3.1 The enduring dilemma of 20 million unvaccinated children: Equity and access solutions in IA2030Katherine L. O'Brien2021PresentationAnglais
P3.2 Impact of COVID-19 on coverage and equitySamir Sodha2021PresentationAnglais
W1 Innovations in Vaccine ManufacturingAntu Dey, Rajat GoyalWebinarAnglais
W1.2 Vaccine Manufacturing at Lab Scale: A paradigm shift to more affordable vaccinesAhd Hamidi2021Case studyAnglais
W1.3 Not enough to go around: vaccine manufacturing for the COVID-19 pandemicCasey SelwynPresentationAnglais
W2 Emerging PlatformsLynda Stuart, Kanta Subbarao, Florian Krammer, Nathalie Garcon, Sarah Gilbert, Christian Mandl2021WebinarAnglais
W2.1 Nucleic acid vaccines: Is it all done?Christian MandlPresentationAnglais
W2.2 Viral vectored vaccine platform technologiesSarah Gilbert, University of Oxford2021PresentationAnglais
W2.3 AdjuvantsNathalie Garcon2021PresentationAnglais
W2.4 Universal Influenza VaccinesKanta Subbarao2021PresentationAnglais
W3 Innovation in VaccinationBernhards Ogutu, David DurrheimWebinarAnglais
W3.2 Transformative Concepts for Mass Vaccination and Pandemic ResponseMatthew Downham, CEPI2021PresentationAnglais
W3.3 Considerations for mass deployment of innovative vaccines in low- and middle-income country immunization programsFred WerePresentationAnglais
W4 Controlled Human Infection Models for Vaccine Research and DevelopmentAnnie Mo, Gagandeep KangWebinarAnglais
W4.1 Controlled human malaria infection — tool for accelerating vaccine developmentMelissa Kapulu, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme2021PresentationAnglais
W4.2 Typhoid controlled human infection modelAndrew Pollard2021PresentationAnglais
W5 New and Improved Vaccines on the HorizonKathleen NeuzilWebinarAnglais
W5.1 Salmonella typhi vaccines, development and deploymentSushant Sahastrabuddhe, International Vaccine Institute2021PresentationAnglais
W5.2 Schistosomiasis vaccines, development and role in eliminationRobert Bergquist, Geospatial Health2021PresentationAnglais
W5.3 Single-dose HPV VaccinationAimee R. Kreimer2021PresentationAnglais
W5.4 Improved vaccines: Novel oral polio vaccine (OPV)Ananda S. Bandyopadhyay2021PresentationAnglais
W6 Vaccine Development to AccessAlejandro Cravioto, Birgitte Giersing, David Kaslow, Deepali Pate, Ian Hudson, Joshua Chu, Narendra Arora, Rino Rappuoli, Sai Prasad2021WebinarAnglais
W6.1 Vaccine Development to Access: Opportunities, risks and potential valleys of deathDavid Kaslow2021PresentationAnglais
W6.2 Vaccine development to access: Is there a role for earlier policy consideration?Rino Rappuoli, GSK Vaccines2021PresentationAnglais
W6.3 Building the concept of WHO Vaccine Preferred Policy ProfilesBirgitte Giersing2021PresentationAnglais
W7.1 Protection of newborn infants through vaccinationTobias KollmannPresentationAnglais
W8 Prioritization for Vaccine R&DPeter Hotez, Jerome Kim, B. T. Slingsby2021WebinarAnglais
W8.1 Decision-making and prioritization of vaccines to address public health needs in LMICsBill HausdorffPresentationAnglais
W8.2 Prioritization of Vaccines for Global HealthJerome Kim2021PresentationAnglais
W8.3 The State of Play: Industry vaccine trends from the Access to Medicine IndexMargo Warren, Access to Medicine Foundation2021PresentationAnglais
W9 Building and Sustaining UptakeLisa Menning2021Case studyAnglais
W9.1 Building and Sustaining Uptake: Summary of the latest evidence and open research questionsJulie Leask2021PresentationAnglais
W9.2 Evidence and Lessons Learned on Social Sciences Analytics around VaccinationSimone Carter2021Case studyAnglais
W9.3 Building and Sustaining Uptake: Case study the PhilippinesAnna Ong-Lim2021Case studyAnglais

GVIRF 2018 (Anglais)

Cette collection contient des documents du GVIRF 2018.

P3.2 Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers - Access to ImmunizationLakshminarayana Neti2018PresentationAnglais
*Meeting report: Global vaccine and immunization research forum, 2018Angela Hwang, B. Fenton Hall, Martin Friede, Peter Dull2019Journal articleAnglais
Agenda - GVIRF 2018GVIRF Secretariat2018PresentationAnglais
Introduction to GVIRFB. Fenton Hall2018PresentationAnglais
KN1 Beyond effectiveness: research on vaccines seen as a continuumAlejandro Cravioto2018PresentationAnglais
KN2 National and regional capacity for biotechnology research; Indian experienceMaharaj Kishan Bhan2018PresentationAnglais
P1 Progress Towards and Commonalities in Vaccine Development Against HIV, TB, and MalariaMary Marovich2018ReportAnglais
P1.1 Advanced Clinical Development of HIV VaccinesK. T. Mngadi2018PresentationAnglais
P1.2 Commonalities across vaccine development effortsPunnee Pitisuttithum2018PresentationAnglais
P1.3 Progress towards vaccines against TBGerald Voss2018PresentationAnglais
P1.4 Global Pipeline for Malaria Vaccines: Progress and Challenges to accelerate vaccine developmentFred Binka2018PresentationAnglais
P1.5 Gaps in Malaria VaccinesJ. Kevin Baird2018PresentationAnglais
P2 Innovating for EquityNarendra Arora2018ReportAnglais
P2.1 Intensified Mission Indradhanush: Addressing Equity in ImmunizationPradeep Haldar2018PresentationAnglais
P2.2 Use of Multiple Measures for Immunization Management in Migratory PopulationLin Luan2018PresentationAnglais
P2.4 Social Media Initiative in Ukraine: Analysis of Conversations on Polio, Vaccination and Routine ImmunizationAnna Postovoitova2018PresentationAnglais
P2.5 Universal Health Coverage: a people-centred approachBirgitte Giersing2018PresentationAnglais
P2.6 Strengthening Vaccination Programs among the Urban Poor: Closing the Equity GapFolake Olayinka2018PresentationAnglais
P3 Growing Developing Country Vaccine ManufactureA. A. Adeyemo2018ReportAnglais
P3.1 Vaccine Production in Developing Countries: an Economic EvaluationSyarifah Liza Munira2018PresentationAnglais
P3.3 Vaccine Manufacturing in Developing Countries: Perspectives on Approaches to Take, and Factors to Consider, towards Sustainable Manufacturing CapacityMartin Nicholson2018PresentationAnglais
P3.4 Addressing Patent Barriers to Vaccine Development & AccessKate Elder2018PresentationAnglais
P4 Regulatory Capacity, Challenges, and ConvergencesNorman W. Baylor2018ReportAnglais
P4.1 Alternative Regulatory Pathways: Opportunities and ChallengesNorman W. Baylor2018PresentationAnglais
P4.2 Benefits and Challenges: How regulators can reduce time and efforts in the case of public health emergencies?Yeowon Sohn2018PresentationAnglais
P4.3 Human Clinical Trial to Support the Development of New Vaccines: Perspective from ThailandAkanid Wapeewuttikorn2018PresentationAnglais
P5 Evidence for Decision MakingDavid Kaslow, Robert BreimanReportAnglais
P5.1 Development of WHO Full Public Health Value Propositions for vaccines to prevent infectious diseasesDavid Kaslow2018PresentationAnglais
P5.2 Evidence for Decision MakingYot Teerawattananon2018PresentationAnglais
P6 Polio Endgame: Needs and OpportunitiesRoland SutterReportAnglais
P6.1 Intro Polio Endgame: Needs and OpportunitiesRoland Sutter2018PresentationAnglais
P6.2 Global tOPV withdrawal: "The Switch" experienceAlejandro Ramirez Gonzalez2018PresentationAnglais
P6.3 Two years after the tOPV ot bOPV switch: What happened to Poliovirus Type 2?Ondrej Mach2018PresentationAnglais
P6.4 Polio Vaccines - R&D UpdatesPeter Dull2018PresentationAnglais
P6.5 Research for polio policy making: Lessons learnedRoland Sutter2018PresentationAnglais
P7 Discussion with Thought LeadersPeter Dull2018ReportAnglais
W1 Emerging Vaccine Strategies & TechnologiesPaula Bryant2018ReportAnglais
W1.1 MIMIC: an in vitro model of human immunityDon Drake2018PresentationAnglais
W1.2 New Vaccine Strategies using cytomegalovirusKlaus Früh2018PresentationAnglais
W1.3 A novel vaccine technology platform Plasmid Launched Live Attenuated Virus (PLLAV) VaccinesJohan Neyts, Kai Dallmeier2018PresentationAnglais
W2 R&D Update: Enteric VaccinesGagandeep Kang, Jean-Pierre Amorij2018ReportAnglais
W2.1 An update on rotavirus vaccinesGagandeep Kang2018PresentationAnglais
W2.2 Subunit vaccine technologies for bacterial enteric diseases: Shigella, ETEC and nontyphoidal Salmonella vaccinesCal MacLennan2018PresentationAnglais
W2.3 Controlled Human Infection Models and Enteric Vaccine DevelopmentBeth Kirkpatrick2018PresentationAnglais
W3 Pneumococcal Vaccines: Lessons Learned and the Road AheadHani Kim2018ReportAnglais
W3.1 2018 Status of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Use and ImpactKatherine L. O'Brien2018PresentationAnglais
W3.2 Rollout of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in IndiaNarendra K Arora, Pradeep Haldar2018PresentationAnglais
W3.3 The Future of Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinesKeith Klugman2018PresentationAnglais
W4 Immunological Principles of Vaccines and VaccinationAnnie Mo, Bernhards Ogutu2018ReportAnglais
W4.1 New Approaches to Understanding Human ImmunityAnnie Mo2018PresentationAnglais
W4.2 Immunological Challenges in vaccination and vaccine developmentAndrew Pollard2018PresentationAnglais
W4.3 New technologies for studying human immunityLisa Wagar2018PresentationAnglais
W4.4 RTS,S Malaria Vaccine: Toward an understanding of the immunologic basis of protectionChristian Ockenhouse2018PresentationAnglais
W5 Epidemic and Pandemic PreparednessMartin Friede2018ReportAnglais
W5.1 WHO R&D Blueprint Update: progress and PlansMartin Friede2018PresentationAnglais
W5.2 Influenza Pandemic Risk and PreparednessJohn S. Tam2018PresentationAnglais
W5.3 Epidemic Preparedness: National Security for ThailandPunee Pitisuttithum2020PresentationAnglais
W5.4 Universal Influenza Vaccines and Their Role in PreparednessJennifer Gordon2018PresentationAnglais
W6 Reaching Adolescents and Pregnant WomenOdile Leroy2018ReportAnglais
W6.1 Reaching Adolescents & Pregnant Women (Introduction)Odile Leroy2018PresentationAnglais
W6.2 Adolescent Immunization in Developing Countries: Obstacles and OpportunitiesHartono Gunardi2018PresentationAnglais
W6.3 Maternal and adolescents immunization - a global challengeRaymond Hutubessy2018PresentationAnglais
W7 New Vaccine Pipeline: Lessons Learned and Accelerating ProgressJean-Pierre Amorij2018ReportAnglais
W7.1 Global Vaccine Pipeline and Value PropositionDavid Kaslow2018PresentationAnglais
W7.2 Update on RSV Vaccine and mAb developmentRuth Karron2018PresentationAnglais
W7.3 A Hepatitis C Virus Vaccine UpdateAndrea Cox2018PresentationAnglais
W7.4 Human Hookworm Vaccine Initiative: a Public Health value proposition leading to societal impact and positive financial returnsMaria Elena Bottazzi2018PresentationAnglais
W7.5 Target Value PropositionJean Lang2018PresentationAnglais
W8 Vaccines and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)A. A. Adeyemo2018ReportAnglais
W8.1 Antimicrobial Resistance and VaccinesDennis Dixon2018PresentationAnglais
W8.2 Vaccination against bacterial diseases in farmed Atlantic salmon: experience and global applicabilityEdgar Brun2018PresentationAnglais
W8.3 The Principle and Process of Autogenous VaccineSuphot Wattanaphansak2018PresentationAnglais
W9 Antibody-Mediated PreventionNina Russell2018ReportAnglais
W9.1 Pipeline of HIV monoclonal antibodies for prevention of HIVBarney Graham2018PresentationAnglais
W9.2 Monoclonal antibodies for rabies post-exposure prophylaxisErin Sparrow2018PresentationAnglais
W9.3 Monoclonal Antibodies for Influenza Prevention, Therapy, or Vaccine Antigen DesignBruce Innis2018PresentationAnglais
W9.4 Antibody Engineering: Optimization of Antibodies for CommercializationStephen Hadley2018PresentationAnglais

GVIRF 2016 (Anglais) 

Cette collection contient des documents du GVIRF 2016.

*Meeting report: Global vaccine and immunization research forumAndrew Ford, Angela Hwang, B. Fenton Hall, Joachim Hombach, Nancy Touchette2018Journal articleAnglais
Context and Purpose of GVIRFThomas Cherian2016ReportAnglais
KN1 Opening Session and Dr Margaret Chan KeynoteGVIRF Secretariat2016ReportAnglais
KN3 Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa: Self-sufficiency, a need? Or a dream?William Ampofo2016PresentationAnglais
P1.1a RSA & HIV vaccine efficacy studiesGlenda Gray2016PresentationAnglais
P1.1b HIV Vaccines: Marry HIV efficacy studies to science, but take shots on goalNelson Michael2016PresentationAnglais
P1.2a TB Vaccine Research and Development: Progress, Strategies and ControversiesLewis Schrager2016PresentationAnglais
P1.3a Malaria VaccinesEusebio Macete2016PresentationAnglais
P1.3b Vaccines for Malaria - Updates on ProgressMahamadou Thera2016PresentationAnglais
P2 The role of moderate efficacy vaccines in integrated disease control strategiesKatherine L. O'Brien2016ReportAnglais
P2.1 The role of moderate efficacy vaccines in integrated disease control strategies: IntroductionKathleen Neuzil2016PresentationAnglais
P2.2 Lessons from Rotavirus and Pneumococcal Conjugate VaccinesKatherine L. O'Brien2016PresentationAnglais
P2.3 Moderate efficacy malaria vaccines as part of comprehensive malaria control and eliminationSalim Abdullah2016PresentationAnglais
P2.4 Reflections on the use of future HIV vaccines as part of an integrated package of preventive measuresWalter Jaoko2016PresentationAnglais
P3 Evolving Global Vaccine MarketsAmie Batson2020ReportAnglais
P3.1 Global vaccine marketAmie Batson2016PresentationAnglais
P4 Preparing for the next Infectious Disease EmergencyHelen Rees, Norman BaylorReportAnglais
P4.1 Preparing for the inevitableDavid Wook2016PresentationAnglais
P4.2 Preparing for the Next Infectious Disease EmergencyLucille Blumberg2016PresentationAnglais
P4.3 Regulatory Preparedness for the Next Infectious Disease EmergencyDelese Mimi Darko2016PresentationAnglais
P5 New Technologies to Support Measles EliminationA. A. Adeyemo2016ReportAnglais
P5.1 What are the measles vaccination coverage gaps?Peter Strebel2016PresentationAnglais
P5.2 The Investment Case for Measles EradicationKimberly Thompson2016PresentationAnglais
P5.3 Measles and Rubella Research AgendaNarendra K Arora2016PresentationAnglais
P5.4 An emerging vaccine delivery technology for measles and rubella eliminationJames Goodson2016PresentationAnglais
P6.1 Universal Influenza Vaccine DevelopmentBarney S. Graham2016PresentationAnglais
P6.2 Vaccine development for Group A StreptococcusAndrew Steer2016PresentationAnglais
P6.3 Schistosomiasis Vaccine UpdatesAnnie Mo2016PresentationAnglais
P6.4 Preferred Product CharacteristicsDavid Kaslow2016PresentationAnglais
W1.0 Introduction: Applying Novel Technologies to Vaccine DevelopmentRino Rappuoli2016PresentationAnglais
W1.1 Structural studies of viral envelope proteins and insights for vaccine designFelix Rey2016PresentationAnglais
W1.2 Epitope-focused vaccine designBill Schief2016PresentationAnglais
W1.3 Design of self-assembling protein nanomaterials as next.generation vaccine scaffoldsNeil King2016PresentationAnglais
W10.1 Monoclonal antibodies for infectious diseasesMartin Friede2016PresentationAnglais
W10.2 Passive vaccination as a global strategy for preventing RSV disease in infantsFilip Dubovsky2016PresentationAnglais
W10.3 Gene-based Delivery of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies for HIV PreventionWayne Koff2016PresentationAnglais
W10.4 Rabies antibodies for Passive Post-exposure prophylaxisTsepo Tsekoa2016PresentationAnglais
W11 Vaccine HesitancyNarendra Arora2016ReportAnglais
W11.1 Vaccine Hesitancy: what it means and what we need to know in order to tackle itRobb Butler2016PresentationAnglais
W11.2 Vaccine Hesitancy: Determining the scale of the challengeSusan Goldstein2016PresentationAnglais
W11.3 Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP): An example of tailoring communication on vaccinations targeting communities in SwedenAnn Lindstrand2016PresentationAnglais
W11.4 Applying TIP to low and middle income settings: a case study from South AfricaNicola Christofides and Janine Simon-Meyer2016PresentationAnglais
W2 Comprehensive assessment of risks and benefits of vaccines: the example of DengueLucky Slamet, Stephen Thomas2023ReportAnglais
W2.2 Public Health Criteria for Dengue Vaccine Risk/Benefit Assessment and Risk ManagementPeter Smith2016PresentationAnglais
W3 Total Systems EffectivenessCarsten Mantel, Darin Zehrung, James Goodson, Jean-Pierre Amorij, Melissa Malhame, Mercy Mvundura, Messeret Shibeshi, Tina Lorenson2016ReportAnglais
W3.1 Introduction: Total Systems EffectivenessTina Lorenson2016PresentationAnglais
W3.2 Total System EffectivenessTina Lorenson2016PresentationAnglais
W3.3 Microarray patch case study: Measles-rubella vaccineDarin Zehrung2016PresentationAnglais
W3.4 Vaccine technology costs and health impact assessment toolMercy Mvundura2016PresentationAnglais
W4.1 Introduction: Antimicrobial Resistance & VaccinesA. A. Adeyemo2016PresentationAnglais
W4.2 WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial ResistanceMartin Friede2016PresentationAnglais
W4.3 The Role of Vaccines in Antimicrobial Resistance StrategiesBruce Gellin2016PresentationAnglais
W4.4 Vaccines to prevent antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infectionsOlaf Schneewind2016PresentationAnglais
W4.5 Gonococcal antimicrobial resistance and vaccinesMagnus Unemo2020PresentationAnglais
W4.6 Vaccines for healthcare pathogens: No ESKAPEJordi Rello2016PresentationAnglais
W5 Regulatory Challenges and Constraints When Evaluating Vaccine Clinical TrialsKlaus Cichutek2016ReportAnglais
W5.1 WHO Regulatory Strengthening Update & LMICs Challenges in Vaccine Clinical Trial RegulationWilliam Wekwete2016PresentationAnglais
W5.2 African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF): New Vision and Blueprint for Ethics and Regulatory Capacity Strengthening in AfricaDicky Akanmori2016PresentationAnglais
W5.3 Good Participatory Practices for Vaccine Clinical TrialsNelson Michael2016PresentationAnglais
W6 Immunization in the Second Year of LifeRebecca Fields2016ReportAnglais
W6.0 Intro: Establishing a Second-year-of-life (2YL) Healthy Child VisitRudi Eggers2016PresentationAnglais
W6.1 Global landscape analysis and literature review of 2nd year of life immunization platformImran Mirza2016PresentationAnglais
W6.2 Raising the Profile of an 18-month Well-child Visit: the 2YL PlatformElicah Kandinda Kamiji2016PresentationAnglais
W6.3 Protecting Lives in the 2nd Year of Life (2YL) in GhanaAbigail Shefer2016PresentationAnglais
W6.4 Second year of life platform and monitoring systemsJan Grevendonk2016PresentationAnglais
W7.1 The infant microbiome: Relevance to immune responsesMaría Gloria Domínguez-Bello2016PresentationAnglais
W7.2 The Nasal Microbiota: Diversity, Dynamicity, and Vaccine-mediated EffectsJane Deng2016PresentationAnglais
W7.3 Intestinal Microbiota and Enteric Vaccine DesignJames Fleckenstein2016PresentationAnglais
W8 Combination Vaccines: Why and How?A. A. Adeyemo2016ReportAnglais
W8.1 Combination Vaccines: How and Why? Lessons LearnedMichel De Wilde2016PresentationAnglais
W8.2 Combination Vaccines: Potential future statesPeter Dull2016PresentationAnglais
W8.3 Combination Vaccines: Benefits and RisksMelissa Malhame2016PresentationAnglais
W9 Gavi's Vaccine Investment Strategy (VIS)Helen Rees2016ReportAnglais
W9.1 How does Gavi make vaccine investment decisions?Judith Kallenberg2016PresentationAnglais
W9.2 What’s Next for Gavi's Vaccine Investment Strategy: RabiesBernadette Abela-Ridder2016PresentationAnglais
W9.3 Maternal influenza vaccines: How has the VIS process influenced the research agendaSaad Omer2016PresentationAnglais

GVIRF 2014 (Anglais) 

Cette collection contient des documents du GVIRF 2014.

*Global Vaccine and Immunization Research Forum: Opportunities and challenges in vaccine discovery, development, and deliveryAndrew Ford, Angela Hwang, B. Fenton Hall, Joachim Hombach, Nancy Touchette2016Journal articleAnglais
Agenda - GVIRF 2014GVIRF Secretariat2014PresentationAnglais
KN1 Opening Session and KeynoteAnthony Fauci2014ReportAnglais
KN1.1 Vaccine Research and Development: Challenges and OpportunitiesAnthony Fauci2014PresentationAnglais
KN1.2 R&D in the "Decade of Vaccines"B. Fenton Hall2014PresentationAnglais
KN1.3 GVIRF Overview and GoalsJoachim Hombach2014PresentationAnglais
KN1.4 What do we expect from the meeting?José Esparza2014PresentationAnglais
KN2 Research for Universal Health Coverage; Perspective on Vaccines and Poverty ReductionMargaret Chan, Tim EvansReportAnglais
KN2.1 WHO Director-General address to GVIRFMargaret Chan2014PresentationAnglais
KN2.2 Perspectives on Vaccines and Poverty ReductionT. Evans, World Bank2014PresentationAnglais
KN3 Importance of Innovation in Addressing Global Health Gaps in the Developing WorldTrevor MundelReportAnglais
KN3-1 The Importance of Innovation in Addressing Global Health Gaps in the Developing WorldTrevor MundelPresentationAnglais
P1a.1 Status of HIV Vaccine Research & DevelopmentWayne Koff2014PresentationAnglais
P1a.2 Progress towards the development of an HIV vaccine: DiscussionJosé Esparza2014PresentationAnglais
P1b Develop New and Improved Vaccines - TBCharles Mgone, Tom Evans, Uli Fruth2014ReportAnglais
P1b.1 Update on Tuberculosis Vaccines - 2014Tom Evans2014PresentationAnglais
P1b.2 TB Vaccine Development: Challenges & OpportunitiesUli Fruth2014PresentationAnglais
P1c Develop New and Improved Vaccines - MalariaAshley Birkett, Charles Mgone, Peter Smith2014ReportAnglais
P1c.1 Progress towards the development of a malaria vaccineAshley Birkett2014PresentationAnglais
P1c.2 Progress towards the development of a malaria vaccine: discussionPeter Smith2014PresentationAnglais
P2 Regulatory and Public Health Challenges for Vaccines Inducing Modest EfficacyDavid Salisbury2014ReportAnglais
P2.1 Regulatory and public health challengesPeter Smith2014PresentationAnglais
P2.2 Regulatory Considerations for Determining Vaccine EfficacyMarion Gruber2014PresentationAnglais
P3 Developing Next Generation Vaccines: Defining the Improvements Needed and Evaluating Their PotentialK. Neuzil2014ReportAnglais
P3.1 Developing next generation vaccines: IntroductionKathleen Neuzil2014PresentationAnglais
P3.2 Developing Country Vaccine Manufacturers - Access to ImmunizationUmesh Parashar2014PresentationAnglais
P3.3 Developing Next Generation Rotavirus Vaccines: Prospects from the Pipeline to Address Remaining Public Health NeedsMary K. Estes2014PresentationAnglais
P3.4 Evaluation of the Next Generation of Rotavirus VaccinesKathleen Neuzil2014PresentationAnglais
P5 Research to improve monitoring and evaluation of immunization programsJean-Marie Okwo-Bele2014ReportAnglais
P5.1 Immunization Registries in Latin America and the CaribbeanM. Carolina Danovaro-Holliday2014PresentationAnglais
P5.2 Influenza Vaccine Use in the Americas: Network for Evaluation of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness REVELAC-1Alba María Ropero-Álvarez2014PresentationAnglais
P6 Protection of pregnant women, neonates and infants by maternal immunizationHelen Rees2014ReportAnglais
P6.1 Public Health Benefits of Maternal ImmunizationKeith Klugman2014PresentationAnglais
P6.2 Maternal Immunization: which impact on infant immunity?Claire-Anne Siegrist2014PresentationAnglais
P7 Innovative vaccine research: the point of view of industry and biotech companiesMichael Mowatt, Odile LeroyReportAnglais
P7.1 Innovation for vaccines against poverty diseases: the need for new support mechanismsMartin Friede2014PresentationAnglais
P8 General ConclusionB. Fenton Hall, Chris Wilson, Jean-Marie Okwo-Bele2014ReportAnglais
W1 Towards the Development of a Universal Influenza VaccineDavid Spiro2014ReportAnglais
W1.1 Towards the Development of a Universal Influenza VaccineDavid Spiro2014PresentationAnglais
W2 Preferred Product Characteristics (PPC) as a Way to Guide Development of Products of High Public Health UtilityA. A. Adeyemo2014ReportAnglais
W2.1 WHO Preferred Product Characteristics: Bridging Vaccine R&D with Public HealthVasee Moorthy2014PresentationAnglais
W2.2 RSV Vaccine Development for Low and Middle Income Countries: Challenges and ProgressClaudio Lanata2014PresentationAnglais
W2.3 Group A streptococcal vaccines: Challenges and progressFlorian Schödel2014PresentationAnglais
W3.1 Leishmania Vaccine Development: Progress and challenges in the context of other control strategiesFarrokh Modabber2014PresentationAnglais
W3.2 Pre-exposure rabies vaccination (PreP) in children of endemic countriesD. Briggs2014PresentationAnglais
W4 How to Optimize Immunization Coverage? A case study from Measles-Rubella vaccinationA. A. Adeyemo2014ReportAnglais
W4.1 Progress, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in Achieving Measles and Rubella GoalsThomas Cherian2014PresentationAnglais
W4.2 Prioritizing the Research Agenda for Measles and RubellaWilliam Moss2014PresentationAnglais
W5.1 Immunization implementation research priority settingJohn Clemens2014PresentationAnglais
W5.2 Factors influencing community health volunteers in participating in health programs in AfricaFadima YAYA BOCOUM2014PresentationAnglais
W5.3 Strengthening national capacity for evidence-based immunization policy: the case of program costing in HondurasCara Bess Janusz2014PresentationAnglais
W5.4 Building Implementation Research Capacity for Polio EradicationMargaret Gyapong2014PresentationAnglais
W6 Innovation in vaccine delivery and presentation: How can technological advances increase program performance?M. Gottlieb, R. LagosReportAnglais
W6.1 WHO - Next-generation Vaccine Delivery Technology Meeting SummaryDarin Zehrung2014PresentationAnglais
W6.2 Beyond the cold chain… Meningitis A conjugate vaccine in a controlled temperature chain: Experience from BeninOlivier Ronveaux2014PresentationAnglais
W6.3 Case Study: The Uniject Injection SystemDebra Kristensen2014PresentationAnglais
W7 Contributions of Regulatory Science to Vaccine AccessHelen Rees, Norman BaylorReportAnglais
W7.1 Contributions of Regulatory Science to Vaccine AccessNorman W. Baylor2014PresentationAnglais
W7.2 Enhancement in Laboratory Research to Support Innovations in Regulatory Science for the Evaluation of New VaccinesTeeranart Jivapaisarnpong2014PresentationAnglais
W7.3 How can innovation in regulatory science inform the regulatory process to facilitate the development of new vaccines?Marion Gruber2014PresentationAnglais
W8 Systems VaccinologyIngileif JonsdottirReportAnglais
W8.1 How can recent technological advances in systems vaccinology accelerate next-generation vaccine development?Ingileif Jonsdottir2014PresentationAnglais
W8.2 Systems VaccinologyBali Pulendran2014PresentationAnglais
W8.3 Application of technological advances to clinical trialsWillem Hanekom2014PresentationAnglais