Mercredi 29 Novembre 2023
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Technical Series: Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management

This three-part webinar series, hosted by UNICEF and GAVI in association with TechNet-21, will orient participants on the key actions to needed to address health care waste, including national strategies, facility-level improvements, and the selection of green technologies. THe first session will take place on Tuesday, December 12. The second and third session will take place in January and February, respectively. 


Part 1: National Strategies to Improve Health Care Waste Management

Tuesday, December 12, 2023
9:00 – 10:30 WAT / 11:00 – 12:30 EAT / 15:00 – 16:30 ICT

The first session in the series will discuss national-level actions on health care waste management, including situation analyses and assessments, implementation planning, and maturity modelling.

Register here: 

HCWM Webinar Series

Dear colleagues, 

The materials of the first webinar session in the series on 'Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management', are now available.

Session 1: National Strategies to Improve Health Care Waste Management

- Video in English: 

- Presentation slides: 

We'd also like to encourage you to take a look at the Gavi maturity model document:  

The next session of this webinar series will take place on January 23, 2024, and will cover the topic of 'Green & safe technologies for health care waste treatment'.

Feel free to register here: 

Dear colleagues,

The second session of the webinar series on Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management will take place on Tuesday, January 23.

This three-part webinar series, hosted by UNICEF and GAVI in association with TechNet-21, will orient participants on the key actions needed to address health care waste, including national strategies, facility-level improvements, and the selection of green technologies. The first session was successful and took place on December 12, 2023. The second session will take place January 23, 2024, with session 3 following on February 20, 2024. 

Part 2: Green & Safe Technologies for Health Care Waste Management: From Selection & Procurement to Implementation

This session will introduce the different types of green and safe technologies for health care waste treatment and disposal, showcase specific technology options, and describe the operations and maintenance requirements.

When: 23 January, 2024, 9am CET/WAT


Dear colleagues, 

The materials of the second webinar session in the series on 'Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management', are now available.

Session 2: Green and safe technologies for health care waste treatment: From selection & procurement to implementation.

The next session of this webinar series will take place on February 20, 2024, and will cover the topic of 'Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste '.

Feel free to register here: 

Dear colleagues,

The third and final session of the webinar series on Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management will take place on Tuesday, February 20.

This three-part webinar series, hosted by UNICEF and GAVI in association with TechNet-21, orients participants on the key actions needed to address health care waste, including national strategies, facility-level improvements, and the selection of green technologies. 

Part 3: Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste 

This session will share the tools available for assessing healthcare waste management at the facility-level and discuss the capacity building activities that can be undertaken to improve waste management.

When: 20 February, 2024, 9am CET/WAT


il y a 11 mois

Dear colleagues, 

The materials of the third and final webinar session in the series on 'Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management', are now available.

Session 3: Facility-level activities: Managing health care waste 

There is also a TechNet page dedicated to the Health Care Waste Management Hot Topic: This page provides a list of resources related to healthcare waste management (HCWM), as well as materials developed by local governments, multinational organizations, and the private sector.

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