
Health care waste management maturity model

The HCWM maturity model is not a full-scale assessment; it is meant to initiate discussion and a high-level review.

As a strategic-level assessment tool, the maturity model is the first step in both engaging stakeholders from across the health system, and identifying the current effectiveness of HCWM in the country. The model examines six key areas in HCWM in terms of five levels of effectiveness. The assumption is that the HCWM system will pass through the levels in the model’s sequence as it becomes more effective. This tool can serve as a benchmark to gauge improvements over time and identify priority areas for investment. It is not an in-depth

operational assessment.

This maturity model is designed for HCWM across all programs and areas, but it is applicable specifically for immunisation waste, both for routine and supplemental immunisation activities (SIA). The model should be used to stimulate meetings and dialogue among stakeholder groups, program managers, and budgeters to help make connections across programs and ensure a collaborative approach to the HCWM system


  • English

Publication year





  • Supply chain & logistics


  • Waste management

Added by: Moderator

Added on: 2022-02-14 04:54:24

Hits: 2257