Effective Vaccine Management - technical resources

Dan Brigden

Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) is a national EPI planning process endorsed and supported by WHO and UNICEF to assess and prioritize improvements in the immunization supply chain. EVM is embedded within the immunization supply chain (iSC) continuous improvement planning process. EVM was launched in 2009. Drawing on lessons learnt conducting EVM assessments in more than 80 countries, and by leveraging developments in mobile and cloud-based computing, EVM2, released in 2019, builds upon the original EVM assessment tool to provide countries with a broader, more powerful, more agile and more sustainable solution for improving ISC systems. The EVM2 website is available here: https://extranet.who.int/evm2/web

This page provides a list of EVM resources for:

  • Assessors to download, install and use the EVM app to assess health facilities and access useful supply chain tools included in the app
  • Managers to set up their EVM projects to create and deliver EVM assessments
  • Decision-makers to develop a continuous improvement plan (cIP)
  • Trainers to deliver customisable EVM training to assessors and managers

In addition, the following useful EVM resources are presented:

Resources for assessors

The following resources provide EVM assessors with guidance on how to use the EVM app to conduct health facility assessments.

EVM Assessor - Field GuideUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020PresentationEnglish
EVM Assessor - IntroductionUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020PresentationEnglish
EVM Assessor Guide (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideEnglish
EVM Assessor Quick Start Guide (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideEnglish
Guide de démarrage rapide pour l’évaluateur GEV (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2022User guideFrench
Guide de l’évaluateur GEV (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2023User guideFrench
ЭУВ Краткая инструкция для эксперта по оценке (v1.01)World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideRussian
ЭУВ Пособие для эксперта по оценке (v1.01)World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideRussian

The following video provides prospective EVM assessors with a short overview of the EVM tool and the data-collection process.

Arabic | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Resources for managers

The following resources provide national, subnational, and independent EVM managers with guidance on how to use set up, create and deliver EVM assessments.

EVM Manager Guide (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideEnglish
EVM Manager Quick Start Guide (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideEnglish
Guide de démarrage rapide pour le Gestionnaire GEV (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2022User guideFrench
Guide du Gestionnaire GEV (v1.01)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2023User guideFrench
The EVM site selection process and The EVM Site Selection Tool User GuideUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2014GuidanceEnglish
The EVM2 ProcessUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
ЭУВ Краткая инструкция для руководителя оценки (v1.01)World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideRussian
ЭУВ Пособие для руководителя оценки (v1.01)World Health Organization (WHO)2021User guideRussian

Resources for improvement planning

The following resources provide national decision-makers with guidance on how to develop a continuous immunization supply chain (iSC) improvement plan. It also provides guidance on how to develop country-specific standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Achieving immunization targets with the comprehensive effective vaccine management (EVM) frameworkUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2016GuidanceEnglish
cIP Development Tool Guide (v0.03)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2022User guideEnglish
EVM Model Standard Operating ProceduresWorld Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceEnglish, French
EVM: Making a DifferenceUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021Case studyEnglish
Guidance on Dashboards for Immunization Supply ChainsUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2015GuidanceEnglish
How to Develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceArabic, English
How to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP) - Supplement 2: Situation analysisUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish
How to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP) - Supplement 3: cIP Agenda RepositoryUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish
How to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP) - Supplement 4: Collaborative Workshop TechniquesUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish
How to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP) - Supplement 5: A framework for national health policies, strategies and plansWorld Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF2010ReportEnglish
How to develop a Continuous Improvement Plan (cIP) - Supplement 6: Root Cause analysisUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2018GuidanceEnglish
The Impact of cIP: Catalyzing EVM and Leveraging Broader Health SystemsUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021Case studyEnglish
WHO-UNICEF guidelines for developing a comprehensive multi-year plan (cMYP)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2013GuidanceEnglish, French, Russian

Resources for trainers

The following resources provide EVM trainers with a set of training resources, organised into separate modules, that can be customised according to context and used to train EVM assessors and managers.

EVM training module 01: Introduction to EVMUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 02: History of EVMUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 03: The EVM FrameworkUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 04: Getting started with the appUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 05: Collecting data with the EVM appUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 06: Conducting a facility assessmentUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 07: Analysing results in the appUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 10: Planning for an EVM assessmentUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish
EVM training module 11: Building and implementing a cIP roadmapUNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2021TrainingEnglish
EVM training modules (zipped source files)UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2020TrainingEnglish

Published EVM Reports and cIPs

The following table provides a list of EVM Reports and Continuous Improvement Plans (cIPs) that have been approved for publication by countries.

Lao EVM Assessment Report and cIPMinistry of health, Lao PDR, UNICEF2023ReportEnglish

Journal articles

Assessment of vaccine management performance in health facilities of Mwanza Region, Tanzania: a cross-sectional studyGreen Sadru, Makhado Mulatedzi, Omary Swalehe, Stany Binzimana, Domina Asingizwe, Shital Mahindra Maru2023Journal articleEnglish
Effective Vaccine Management: The Case of a Rural District in GhanaEric Osei, Mohammed Ibrahim, Gregory Kofi Amenuvegbe2019Journal articleEnglish
Key lessons learned from the immunization supply chain of Malawi, an African country using EVM2.0Ghanshyam Sethy, Mike Nenani Chisema, Lokesh Sharma, Olamide Folorunso, Dereje Haile, Zeinab Reda Berri, Krupal Joshi, Mphatso Ntenje, Collins Mitambo, Beverly Laher, Sanjay Singhal, Samuel Chirwa, Tedla Damte, Flint Zulu, Antoinette Eleonore Ba, Michelle Seidel, John Phuka2022Journal articleEnglish
Strengthening the immunization supply chain through EVM assessment: Comparing India's two successive national assessmentsLokesh Sharma, Ginisha Gupta, Bhrigu Kapuria, Snehil Kumar Singh, Sanjay Gupta, Mahesh Kumar Agarwal, Harshad Thakur2022Journal articleEnglish

Strengthening immunization supply chains with the EVM assessment tool (TechNet-21 Webinar Series)

The following resources correspond to the recordings and presentations of a four-part webinar series on the WHO-UNICEF Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) assessment tool and how it can support the successful implementation of a national immunization continuous improvement plan (cIP). 

EVM webinar series - Session 1: What is Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) and why is it so important?Dan Brigden, Michelle Seidel, Olamide Folorunso, Souleymane Kone2022PresentationEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 1: What is Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) and why is it so important?Dan Brigden, Michelle Seidel, Olamide Folorunso, Souleymane Kone2022WebinarEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 2: Planning and delivering an EVM assessment - who, when and how?Dan Brigden2022WebinarEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 2: Planning and delivering an EVM assessment - who, when and how?Dan Brigden2022PresentationEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 3: Developing and implementing a continuous improvement plan (cIP)John Dadzie, Olamide Folorunso, Yoms Ishaku2022WebinarEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 3: Developing and implementing a continuous improvement plan (cIP)John Dadzie, Olamide Folorunso, Yoms Ishaku2022PresentationEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 4: What does EVM tell us about the evolution of immunization supply chains from 2010 to 2022?Paul Colrain2022WebinarEnglish
EVM webinar series - Session 4: What does EVM tell us about the evolution of immunization supply chains from 2010 to 2022?Paul Colrain2022PresentationEnglish
Série webinaire GEV - Session 1: Qu’est-ce que la Gestion Efficace des Vaccins (GEV) et pourquoi est-ce si important?Dan Brigden, Michelle Seidel, Olamide Folorunso, Souleymane Kone2022WebinarFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 2: Planification et réalisation d’une évaluation GEV - Qui, quand et comment?Adama Sawadogo, Hamed Idrissa Traore, Modibo Dicko2022WebinarFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 2: Planification et réalisation d’une évaluation GEV - Qui, quand et comment?Adama Sawadogo, Hamed Idrissa Traore, Modibo Dicko2022PresentationFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 3: Élaborer et mettre en œuvre un plan d'amélioration continue (cIP)The Balanzan Institute, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO)2022PresentationFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 3: Élaborer et mettre en œuvre un plan d'amélioration continue (cIP)Hamed Idrissa Traore, Modibo Dicko2022WebinarFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 4: Que nous dit la GEV sur l’évolution des chaînes d’approvisionnement des vaccins de 2010 à 2022?Adama Sawadogo, Hamed Idrissa Traore, Modibo Dicko2022WebinarFrench
Série webinaire GEV - Session 4: Que nous dit la GEV sur l’évolution des chaînes d’approvisionnement des vaccins de 2010 à 2022?Adama Sawadogo, Hamed Idrissa Traore, Modibo Dicko2022PresentationFrench

Other resources

For tools and guidance on EVM1, released in 2009, please refer to the WHO EVM website:
