We are proud to work with many organizations and initiatives across the world in our efforts to help strengthen immunization services. We support the work of all immunization professionals, from both the public and private sector, from governments and international organizations to NGOs, academic institutions, companies and manufacturers.
TechNet is a member of two global immunization partnerships:
- Gavi Alliance’s immunization Supply Chain Steering Committee (iSC2)
- Partnership of Immunization Networks
The mission of the Gavi Alliance’s immunization Supply Chain Steering Committee (iSC2) is to help improve the timely delivery of safe and potent life-saving vaccines to children through robust, efficient and resilient supply chains in Gavi-eligible countries. The ISC2 group is composed of Gavi Alliance core partners (WHO, UNICEF, Gavi Secretariat and the Gates Foundation) and expanded partners (PATH, JSI, VillageReach, CHAI, USAID).
The iSC2 group provides a space to improve collaboration and promote alignment and coordination among its members, by:
- Informational sharing and alignment
- Strategy monitoring and assessing the progress of ISC
- Making the case for investing in immunization supply chains both to donors globally and promote supply chain interventions in countries (partners’ offices, EPI managers).
- Country-level bottleneck identification and solution generation
TechNet is committed to supporting and promoting the work of the iSC2, as well as leveraging the TechNet community to improve immunization supply chains’ performance.

Partnership of Immunization Networks
TechNet is a member of the Partnership of Immunization Networks (PIN), which has been created to strengthen collaboration between organizations that serve distinct yet interconnected online communities of immunization professionals. The PIN provides a convening mechanism for member organizations to better meet the needs of their respective communities, with the goal of enabling immunization professionals to strengthen immunization services – and thereby vaccination coverage rates – around the world. The following organizations are represented in the PIN.

Boost provides online and offline opportunities for immunization professionals to connect, learn and lead. Our mission is to foster a global community where immunization professionals connect with peers and experts, grow their eadership capacity and accelerate change in their communities.

The Geneva Learning Foundation is a Swiss non-profit with the mission to develop trial, and scale up new ways to lead change to tackle the challenges that threaten our societies. Since 2016, we have been developed an immunization programme, working with WHO and other partners to support effective, scalable translation of knowledge into action, results, and – ultimately – impact.

The International Association of Public Health Logisticians (IAPHL) is dedicated to improving public health supply chain management by promoting the professional development of those who work with health supplies, including nurses, pharmacists, and others carrying out logistics tasks. The association supports logisticians worldwide by providing a forum where members can network, exchange ideas, and improve their professional skills.

Immunization Academy is a suite of tools that enables an EPI program to assess healthcare professionals’ skills and knowledge, use the resulting learning data to identify skill gaps, close any gaps with targeted training solutions, and monitor performance over time.

The Immunization Economics Community of Practice brings together country and global stakeholders with an interest in the generation and use of economic evidence to help improve immunization programs in low- and middle-income countries. We aim to foster a diverse community, serve as a knowledge-sharing platform, and encourage collaboration between members to advance the evidence base and translate evidence to policy and practice.

TechNet is a global network committed to strengthening immunization services. Our mission is to bring together immunization professionals, helping them to build relationships, coordinate activities, share knowledge, and align priorities and goals. Our vision is that together, our globally-connected community will sustain and improve the performance of immunization services at every level.

The Zero-Dose Community of Practice is a platform for experts striving to reach zero-dose children with life-saving immunization towards achievement of Immunization Agenda 2030 and Gavi 5.0 goals. The platform offers a forum for learning, conversation and exchange on immunization equity and access to technical resources.