History of TechNet


TechNet is Born

The Technical Network for Logistics in Health, or TechNet, initiated by WHO in 1989 to establish a professional network of experts involved in the management of immunization and other primary health care operations, at both grassroots and global levels.


1st TechNet Consultation (Nicosia, Cyprus)

The inaugural TechNet Consultation was held in Nicosia, Cyprus from 12-16 March, 1990 and attended by 32 participants.

Read the final report


2nd TechNet Consultation (Casablanca, Morocco)

The second TechNet Consultation was held in Morocco from 18-22 November, 1991 and attended by 40 participants.

Read the final report.


3rd TechNet Consultation (Geneva, Switzerland)

The third TechNet Consultation was conducted entirely via an electronic bulletin board using the UNICEF-UNET electronic mail system.

Read the final report.


4th TechNet Consultation (Washington, D.C., USA)

TechNet 1994 Washington

The fourth TechNet Consultation was held in Washington, D.C., from 31 May to 4 June, 1994.

Read the final report.


5th TechNet Consultation (Manila, Philippines)

TechNet 1996 Manila

The fifth TechNet Consultation was held in Manila, Philippines from 12 to 16 February, 1996 and attended by 50 participants.

Read the final report.


6th TechNet Consultation (Copenhagen, Denmark)

The sixth TechNet Consultation was held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 16 to 20 March, 1998 and attended by 110 participants.

Read the final report.


TechNet listserv email forum goes live


7th TechNet Consultation (Harare, Zimbabwe)

TechNet 1999 Harare

The seventh TechNet Consultation was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 6 to 10 December, 1999 and attended by 80 participants.

Read the final report.


8th TechNet Consultation (Delhi, India)

The eighth TechNet Consultation was held in Delhi, India from 27 to 28 August and attended by 107 participants.

Read the final report.


TechNet becomes TechNet21

TechNet logo old

TechNet changes its name to TechNet21, the Technical Network for Strengthening Immunization Services, and broadens its scope from technologies to management of the operations of immunization services.


9th TechNet Consultation (Antalya, Turkey)

The ninth TechNet Consultation was held in Antalya, Turkey from 23 to 25 March, 2004 and attended by 105 participants.

Read the final report.


10th TechNet Consultation (Mexico City, Mexico)

The tenth TechNet Consultation was held in Mexico City, Mexico from 26 to 27 October, 2006 and attended by 120 participants.

Read the final report.


11th TechNet Consultation (Tunis, Tunisia)

The eleventh TechNet Consultation was held in Tunis, Tunisia from 2 to 4 December, 2008 and attended by 94 participants.

Read the final report.


12th TechNet Consultation (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

TechNet 2010 Malaysia

The twelfth TechNet Consultation was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 30 November to 2 December, 2010 and attended by 56 participants.

Read the final report.


13th TechNet Consultation (Dakar, Senegal)

TechNet 2013 Dakar

The thirteenth TechNet Consultation was held in Dakar, Senegal from 5 to 7 February, 2013 and attended by 191 participants.

Read the final report.


14th TechNet Conference (Bangkok, Thailand)

TechNet 2015 Bangkok

The fourteenth TechNet Conference took place in Bangkok, Thailand from 11 to 15 May, 2015.

Read the TechNet Conference Report and TechNet Conference Guide.


15th TechNet Conference (Cascais, Portugal)

TechNet 2017 Cascais

The 15th TechNet Conference took place on October 16-20, 2017 in Cascais, Portugal.

View the TechNet Conference 2017 page.


16th TechNet Conference (virtual)

TechNet 2015 Bangkok

The sixteenth TechNet Conference took place online from 20 to 21 October, 2020.

Read the TechNet Conference Report or view the TechNet Conference 2020 page.



17th TechNet Conference

The seventeenth TechNet Conference took place on October 16-19, 2023 in Panama City, Panama.

View the TechNet Conference 2023 page.

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