Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI): Preparing Countries for New Vaccines in Pregnancy (RSV, GBS, COVID-19)

Prachi Singh

The Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) focuses on current attitudes and policies regarding maternal COVID-19 vaccination, and preparing countries for uptake of maternal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and group B streptococcus (GBS) vaccines, which are anticipated to become available during the next decade. MIRI projects, which are funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, have focused on three areas: demand generation and communication, health facility readiness for maternal vaccine introduction, and mapping of country-level COVID-19 maternal vaccination policies over time.

Demand Generation and Communication

Work on demand generation and communication, which is led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, aims to gather insights on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors relevant to maternal immunization for demand generation strategies using in-depth interviews and cross-sectional surveys among pregnant and lactating people, community members, healthcare providers, and policymakers in Kenya and Bangladesh. Objectives of this work have included an exploration of disease conceptualization of COVID-19, RSV, and GBS among pregnant and lactating people and other key stakeholders and decision-making processes for uptake of maternal vaccines among these communities. These findings are being used to design communication strategies which will be tested and optimized with target audiences.

An additional mixed-methods study led by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and WHO focuses on maternal vaccine decision-making among pregnant and postpartum people in four countries - Brazil, Ghana, Kenya, and Pakistan. Within these groups, our study aims to understand the risk perception of COVID-19 disease, document knowledge of COVID–19 vaccines, identify sources of information, and identify decision-making factors and processes. The study also aims to assess attitudinal and behavioral correlates with COVID-19 vaccine status as well as intentions to receive future maternal vaccines such as RSV, GBS, tuberculosis, and malaria vaccines.

Health Facility Readiness

Comprehensive health system readiness for new maternal vaccines requires assessment of and response to needs across a range of domains at national, sub-national, and facility levels. The Health Facility Readiness project, led by Jhpiego, aimed to create tools to assess readiness at the facility level for offering COVID-19 and other currently available maternal vaccines to pregnant people, as well as new maternal vaccines anticipated to be available in the near future. A Health Facility Readiness Assessment Tool for Maternal Immunization Services has been developed and adapted for use at facilities providing antenatal care (ANC) in Kenya and Bangladesh. In addition to assessing facility readiness for vaccine introduction, the tool can also be used to monitor ongoing quality of ANC as new maternal vaccines are offered. A form of the tool which can be adapted for use in other countries is posted on the AlignMNH Resource Library (hyperlink:

COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Policy

The COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Policy project, led by the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and the Bloomberg School of Public Health, aimed to assess the policy environment for maternal immunization against SARS-CoV-2. Through maps, tables, and country profiles, the COVID-19 Maternal Immunization Tracker (COMIT) provided a global snapshot of public health policies implemented between 2021 and 2023 that influenced access to COVID-19 vaccines for pregnant and lactating people. 

COVID-19 Maternal Immunization TrackerJohns Hopkins University2021RepositoryEnglish
Global disparities in public health guidance for the use of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy Eleonor Zavala, Carleigh B. Krubiner, Elana F. Jaffe, Andrew Nicklin, Rachel Gur-Arie, Chizoba Wonodi, Ruth R. Faden, Ruth A Karron2022Journal articleEnglish

Demand Generation and Communication 

“Why has this new vaccine come and for what reasons?” key antecedents and questions for acceptance of a future maternal GBS vaccine: Perspectives of pregnant women, lactating women, and community members in KenyaRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Jessica Schue, Ruth A. Karron2024Journal articleEnglish
A qualitative inquiry in understanding trusted media sources to reduce vaccine hesitancy among KenyansBerhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Alicia M. Paul, Eleonor Zavala, Prachi Singh, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2023Journal articleEnglish
A socio-ecological comparison of the COVID-19 vaccine decision- making processes among pregnant and lactating women: Findings from Kenya and BangladeshPrachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Eleonor Zavala, Clarice Lee, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2023Poster/infographicEnglish
A socio-ecological exploration to identify factors influencing the COVID-19 vaccine decision-making process among pregnant and lactating women: Findings from KenyaRupali J. Limaye, Alicia M. Paul, Rachel Gur-Arie, Eleonor Zavala, Clarice Lee, Berhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Wincate Njagi, Paul Odila, Paul Munyao, Rosemary Njogu, Stephen Mutwiwa, Lisa Noguchi, Christopher Morgan, Ruth A. Karron2022Journal articleEnglish
Characterizing Attitudes Toward Maternal RSV Vaccines Among Pregnant and Lactating Persons in Kenya: Key Considerations for Demand Generation Efforts for Vaccine AcceptanceRupali J. Limaye, Molly Sauer, Rosemary Njogu, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Ruth A. Karron2023Journal articleEnglish
Conceptualizing the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Pregnant and Lactating Women, Male Community Members, and Health Workers in KenyaAlicia M. Paul, Clarice Lee, Berhaun Fesshaye, Rachel Gur-Arie, Eleonor Zavala, Prachi Singh, Ruth A Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2022Journal articleEnglish
COVID-19 vaccine decision-making among pregnant and lactating women in BangladeshRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Alicia M. Paul, Berhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Eleonor Zavala, Sydney Wade, Hasmot Ali, Hafizur Rahman, Shirina Akter, Ruth A. Karron, Towfida Jahan Siddiqua2023Journal articleEnglish
COVID-19 vaccine eligibility of pregnant and lactating women in Bangladesh: Gap between policy and policy interpretation among policymakers and healthcare workersRupali J. Limaye, Berhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Eleonor Zavala, Shirina Akter, Towfida Jahan Siddiqua, Hafizur Rahman, Hasmot Ali, Ruth A. Karron2023Journal articleEnglish
COVID-19 vaccine preferences for pregnant and lactating women in Bangladesh and Kenya: a qualitative studyJessica L. Schue, Berhaun Fesshaye, Emily Miller, Prachi Singh, Rupali J. Limaye2024Journal articleEnglish
Future GBS vaccines: Perspectives from pregnant and lactating people, healthcare providers, community members, and policymakers in KenyaBerhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Molly Sauer, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2023Poster/infographicEnglish
Lack of clear national policy guidance on COVID-19 vaccines influences behaviors in pregnant and lactating women in KenyaEleonor Zavala, Berhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Stephen Mutwiwa, Wincate Njagi, Paul Munyao, Rosemary Njogu, Rachel Gur-Arie, Alicia M. Paul, Taylor A. Holroyd, Prachi Singh, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2022Journal articleEnglish
Lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among pregnant and lactating women from two districts in Kenya to inform demand generation efforts for future maternal RSV vaccinesRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Ruth A. Karron2024Journal articleEnglish
Maternal Immunization Decision-Making Among Pregnant and Lactating People in Kenya: A Qualitative Exploration of Peer Influences on Vaccine Decision-Making for a Future RSV VaccinePrachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Clarice Lee, Rosemary N. Njogu, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Liimaye2024Journal articleEnglish
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) Kenya Results DisseminationRupali J. Limaye, Berhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Emily Miller, Ruth A. Karron2023Poster/infographicEnglish
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) Kenya Results Dissemination Day 1 SlidesRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Eleonor Zavala, Clarice Lee, Ruth A. Karron2023PresentationEnglish
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) Kenya Results Dissemination Day 2 SlidesRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Eleonor Zavala, Clarice Lee, Ruth A. Karron2023PresentationEnglish
Maternal Immunization Readiness Initiative (MIRI) Kenya Results Dissemination Day 3 SlidesRupali J. Limaye, Prachi Singh, Berhaun Fesshaye, Eleonor Zavala, Clarice Lee, Ruth A. Karron2023PresentationEnglish
RSV awareness, risk perception, causes, and terms: Perspectives of pregnant and lactating women in Kenya to inform demand generation efforts for maternal RSV vaccinesRupali J. Limaye, Berhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Ruth A. Karron2023Journal articleEnglish
Sources of COVID-19 Vaccine Promotion for Pregnant and Lactating Women in BangladeshBerhaun Fesshaye, Sydney A. Wade, Clarice Lee, Prachi Singh, Eleonor Zavala, Hasmot Ali, Hafizur Rahman, Towfida Jahan Siddiqua, Shirina Akter, Ruth A. Karron, Rupali J. Limaye2023Journal articleEnglish
Understanding Kenyan policymakers’ perspectives about the introduction of new maternal vaccinesRupali J. Limaye, Berhaun Fesshaye, Prachi Singh, Rose Jalango, Rosemary Njrua Njogu, Emily Miller, Jessica Schue, Molly Sauer, Clarice Lee, Ruth A. Karron2024Journal articleEnglish

Health Facility Readiness

Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Vaccine Decision-Making among Pregnant People in Brazil, Ghana, Kenya, and Pakistan

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