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Stephanie Shendale

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    NEW! WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination

    NEW!  WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination

    1.       Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination this is a foundational document that covers catch-up vaccination as an essential component of a strong immunization programme, outlining the basic system enablers required to allow and promote catch-up through routine immunization. 

    The guidance consists of two parts:

    a.       Section 1: Principles of catch-up vaccination

    b.       Section 2: Special catch-up vaccination efforts following an interruption of services

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    2.       Closing immunization gaps caused by COVID-19 (PPT) – this resource aims to address the more immediate needs of prioritizing strategies for restarting immunization services and planning mass catch-up activities. This highlights key considerations in the context of Covid-19 for various catch-up strategies and makes reference, where applicable, to more comprehensive resources available.

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    The documents are available on the…

    NEW!  WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination

    1.       Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination this is a foundational document that covers catch-up vaccination as an essential component of a strong immunization programme, outlining the basic system enablers required to allow and promote catch-up through routine immunization. 

    The guidance consists of two parts:

    a.       Section 1: Principles of catch-up vaccination

    b.       Section 2: Special catch-up vaccination efforts following an interruption of services

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    2.       Closing immunization gaps caused by COVID-19 (PPT) – this resource aims to address the more immediate needs of prioritizing strategies for restarting immunization services and planning mass catch-up activities. This highlights key considerations in the context of Covid-19 for various catch-up strategies and makes reference, where applicable, to more comprehensive resources available.

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    The documents are available on the WHO website and in the TechNet libary


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