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Big Catch-up Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning
The Big Catch-up is a global initiative launched in April 2023 to close immunization gaps caused by the backsliding of immunization coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic, restore global immunization levels, and strengthen immunization systems so that catch-up activities become an integral part of immunization programmes. This page brings together Big Catch-up documents including guidance, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) forms and tools.
Big Catch-up Information Pack for Regional and Country Teams
Le Grand Rattrapage : Dossier d'information pour les équipes régionaux et nationaux
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (EN,FR)
Monitoring and Reporting of Essential Immunization Catch-up in the Context of the Big Catch-up
(EN, FR, PT)
WHO recommendations for interrupted or delayed vaccination (Table 3)
Quarterly Monitoring Form & Guidance for countries receiving Gavi support
Monitoring Form & Guidance (Word ENG)
Fiche de Suivi & Guide (Word FR)
Monitoring Form & Guidance (Excel ENG)
Rapid monitoring
Rapid Monitoring Action Job Aide
[Country examples placeholders]
Case studies
BCU Case Study Guideline & Sample Tools
[Country case studies placeholders]
[Possibility to add this section later depending on form it takes]
Quarterly Monitoring Form for countries receiving Gavi support
Rapid Monitoring
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Le Grand Rattrapage : Dossier d'information pour les équipes régionaux et nationaux
Le Grand rattrapage est une initiative mondiale lancée en avril 2023 pour combler les lacunes en matière de vaccination causées par le recul de la couverture vaccinale pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, rétablir les niveaux de vaccination dans le monde et renforcer les systèmes de vaccination de manière à ce que les activités de rattrapage fassent partie intégrante des programmes de vaccination.
S'appuyant sur les FAQ sur le grand rattrapage, ce document résume les informations essentielles pour les pays à chaque étape de l'élaboration de leurs plans et activités de grand rattrapage :
1. Comprendre le grand rattrapage
2. Développement d'une candidature
3. Processus d'examen des demandes
4. Mise en œuvre des activités
5. Monitorage et rapportage
Ce document sera mis à jour si nécessaire. Veuillez vérifier que vous consultez la version la plus récente.
Dernière mise à jour : 7 mars 2024
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NEW! WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination
1. Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination – this is a foundational document that covers catch-up vaccination as an essential component of a strong immunization programme, outlining the basic system enablers required to allow and promote catch-up through routine immunization.
The guidance consists of two parts:
a. Section 1: Principles of catch-up vaccination
b. Section 2: Special catch-up vaccination efforts following an interruption of services
2. Closing immunization gaps caused by COVID-19 (PPT) – this resource aims to address the more immediate needs of prioritizing strategies for restarting immunization services and planning mass catch-up activities. This highlights key considerations in the context of Covid-19 for various catch-up strategies and makes reference, where applicable, to more comprehensive resources available.
The documents are available on the…
Lire la suiteNEW! WHO resources on Catch-up Vaccination
1. Leave No One Behind: Guidance for planning and implementing catch-up vaccination – this is a foundational document that covers catch-up vaccination as an essential component of a strong immunization programme, outlining the basic system enablers required to allow and promote catch-up through routine immunization.
The guidance consists of two parts:
a. Section 1: Principles of catch-up vaccination
b. Section 2: Special catch-up vaccination efforts following an interruption of services
2. Closing immunization gaps caused by COVID-19 (PPT) – this resource aims to address the more immediate needs of prioritizing strategies for restarting immunization services and planning mass catch-up activities. This highlights key considerations in the context of Covid-19 for various catch-up strategies and makes reference, where applicable, to more comprehensive resources available.
The documents are available on the WHO website and in the TechNet libary
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Why does gender matter for immunization?
The Immunization Agenda 2030 envisions a world where everyone, everywhere, at every age, fully benefits from vaccines to improve health and well-being. Gender-related barriers and gender inequality can prevent people, both male and female, from getting vaccinated. The goal of gender equity is to ensure that everyone has the same chances and opportunities to access and benefit from immunization services.
Immunization programmes will only succeed in expanding coverage and equity when gender roles, norms and relations are understood, analyzed and accounted for as part of service planning and delivery.
Why Gender Matters : IA2030 is a user-friendly resource for everyone engaged in supporting, managing or implementing immunization programmes, and outlines the need for gender mainstreaming across the core principles and strategic priorities of IA2030.
WHO IVB landing page for Gender and Immunization
Why Gender Matters for Immunization: Webinar Series
This webinar series aims to improve awareness and understanding of how gender-related barriers impact immunization and to showcase examples of gender-responsive programming to improve coverage and equity.
Webinars were delivered in English, with simultaneous French translation.
Registration closed.
Webinar 1: Why Gender Matters for Immunization – overview
Date: Thurs 8 June 2023, 15h-16h
Stephanie Shendale, Technical Officer, WHO/IVB
Shoubo Jalal, Senior Gender Specialist, UNICEF
Jean Munro, Senior Manager, Gender, GAVI
EN recording: https://youtu.be/R_lCbX0tv60
FR recording: https://youtu.be/h_8WeU_l6DI
Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/16959/multi_upload/Why%20Gender%20Matters%20IA2030%20-%20final%20to%20share.pdf
Webinar 2: Understanding gender-related barriers to immunization: importance of gender data and analysis
Date: Thurs 22 June 2023, 15h-16h
Stephanie Shendale, Technical Officer, WHO/IVB
Michela Manna, Consultant, WHO/IVB
Valentina Bigoni, WHO
Veronica Kamanga Njikho, UNICEF
EN recording: https://youtu.be/P2ELE5T0N1c
FR recording: https://youtu.be/Uii7oPXOYjI
Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/16971/multi_upload/Why%20Gender%20Matters_webinar%202_22%20June%20CONSOLIDATED.pdf
Webinar 3: Gender responsive approaches 1 – Gender responsive actions for the health workforce
Date: Thurs 6 July 2023 15h-16h
Stephanie Shendale, Technical Officer, WHO/IVB
Michelle McIsaac, WHO
Laurence Codjia, WHO
Julianne Birungi, UNICEF
EN recording: https://youtu.be/kIYDYBCBD50
FR recording: https://youtu.be/zJ5Yj0NsEoY
Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/16981/multi_upload/Why%20Gender%20Matters_webinar%203_HWF_consolidated_FINAL.pdf
Webinar 4: Gender responsive approaches 2 – Make community engagement and social mobilization gender responsive and transformative
Date: Thurs 13 July 2023 15h-16h Presenters:
Stephanie Shendale, Technical Officer, WHO/IVB
Lisa Menning, WHO
Ketan Chitnis, UNICEF
Adelline Twimukye, Infectious Diseases Institute, Uganda
EN recording: https://youtu.be/NKw8TbTQteM
FR recording: https://youtu.be/D9T7BCEn0to
Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/17001/multi_upload/Why%20Gender%20Matters%20Webinar%204_13July_community%20engagement%20social%20mob.pdf
Webinar 5: Gender responsive approaches 3 – Engaging with men and promoting a family approach to transform gender norms
Date: Thurs 20 July 2023 15h-16h
Stephanie Shendale, Technical Officer, WHO/IVB
Shirin Heidari, Senior Gender Advisor, WHO
Elizabeth Arlotti-Parish, Principal Technical Advisor, Jhpiego
Alia Poonawala, Senior Manager, Private Sector, Gavi
Archana Choudhary, Senior Director, GroupM Media India Pvt. Ltd
EN recording: https://youtu.be/KsFY6FlHZgs
FR recording: https://youtu.be/7tuuxjaSJgA
Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/17010/multi_upload/Why%20Gender%20Matters_Webinar%205_20%20July_final%20for%20sharing.pdf
Gavi, Lifebuoy and GroupM's Project Safal Shuruaat program film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZB-6VzmXMw
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