
Flow chart for integrated maternal and child health from Kenya

An example from Kenya of a flow chart for integrated maternal and child health



  • Anglais




  • Prestation de services


  • Kenya


  • Occasions manquées de vaccination (OMV)

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Références sur le sujet


Assessment of vaccine wastage rates, missed opportunities, and related KAPs during introduction of a second dose of measles-containing vaccine into Cambodia’s national immunization programAaron S. Wallace, Danni Daniels, Eleanor Burnett, John Hustedt, Kong Krey, Margaret L. Watkins, Narin Choun, Richard Duncan, Sann Chan Soeung2018Journal articleAnglais
Australian Measles vaccination catch-up guideNational Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance2019GuidanceAnglais
Flow chart for integrated maternal and child health from KenyaUNICEFToolAnglais
Ministry of Health and Child Care Vaccination CalendarMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), USAID, Maternal Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP)2017ToolAnglais
Tool for catch-up vaccination from MalawiMinistry of Health, Malawi2017ToolAnglais
Vaccination calendar from ThailandMinistry of Public Health, ThailandToolThaïlandais
Vaccination calendar from Thailand, including accelerated scheduleMinistry of Public Health, Thailand2017ReportThaïlandais
Working together: An integration resource guide for planning and strengthening immunization services throughout the life courseWorld Health Organization (WHO)2018Case studyAnglais, Français

Ajouté par: Laura Nic Lochlainn

Ajouté le: 2019-04-16 13:32:10

Consultations: 2355

Fichier téléchargé

Integrated MCH Flow Chart UNICEF.pdf

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