Flow chart for integrated maternal and child health from Kenya
An example from Kenya of a flow chart for integrated maternal and child health
- Anglais
- Prestation de services
- Kenya
- Occasions manquées de vaccination (OMV)
Régions de l'OMS
- Région africaine
Références sur le sujet
Titre | Auteur | Année | Type | Langue |
Assessment of vaccine wastage rates, missed opportunities, and related KAPs during introduction of a second dose of measles-containing vaccine into Cambodia’s national immunization program | Aaron S. Wallace, Danni Daniels, Eleanor Burnett, John Hustedt, Kong Krey, Margaret L. Watkins, Narin Choun, Richard Duncan, Sann Chan Soeung | 2018 | Journal article | Anglais |
Australian Measles vaccination catch-up guide | National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance | 2019 | Guidance | Anglais |
Flow chart for integrated maternal and child health from Kenya | UNICEF | Tool | Anglais | |
Ministry of Health and Child Care Vaccination Calendar | Ministry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe, UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), USAID, Maternal Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) | 2017 | Tool | Anglais |
Tool for catch-up vaccination from Malawi | Ministry of Health, Malawi | 2017 | Tool | Anglais |
Vaccination calendar from Thailand | Ministry of Public Health, Thailand | Tool | Thaïlandais | |
Vaccination calendar from Thailand, including accelerated schedule | Ministry of Public Health, Thailand | 2017 | Report | Thaïlandais |
Working together: An integration resource guide for planning and strengthening immunization services throughout the life course | World Health Organization (WHO) | 2018 | Case study | Anglais, Français |