Letter to parents and girls to invite for HPV vaccination in schools, jointly my MOH and MOE


  • Anglais

Année de publication





  • Prestation de services


  • Papillomavirus humain


  • Afrique du Sud

Régions de l'OMS

  • Région africaine

Références sur le sujet


Consent formMinistry of Health, SeychellesToolAnglais
Daily HPV Summary SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolAnglais
HPV Field GuideMinistry of Health and Child Care, ZimbabweGuidanceAnglais
HPV vaccination Card MozambiqueMinistry of Health, Mozambique2015ToolPortuguais
HPV Vaccination Card SenegalMinistry of Health, Senegal2018ToolFrançais
HPV Vaccination Card TanzaniaMinistry of Health, Tanzania2018ToolSwahili
HPV vaccination card ZimbabweMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolAnglais
HPV vaccination Invitation letterDepartment of Health, South Africa, Department of Basic Education, South Africa2014ToolAnglais
HPV Vaccination Tally SheetMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolAnglais
HPV Vaccine and Integrated Service Recording FormMinistry of Health, Tanzania2019ToolSwahili
HPV Vaccine and Integrated Services Tally SheetMinistry of Health, Tanzania2019ToolSwahili
HPV vaccine Information resourcesHealth Service Executive (HSE)RepositoryAnglais
Integration of other services with human papillomavirus vaccination; lessons from earlier in the life course highlight the need for new policy and implementation evidence☆Christopher Morgan, Mary Rose Giattas, Taylor A. Holroyd, Anne Pfitzer, Danielle Engel, Anissa Sidibe, Megan Holloway, Paul Bloem, Rebecca Fields, Lora Shimp, Somesh Kumar2021Journal articleAnglais
Nigeria HPV introduction Phase 1:​ Summary of Key Achievements and Early Lessons Learned​JSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023PresentationAnglais
Report of Subnational rapid assessment on Phase I learnings JSI Research & Training Institute, CHAI2023PresentationAnglais
Resource Guide for Strengthening HPV Vaccination Service DeliveryJSI Research & Training Institute2023User guideAnglais
School health screening and Immunization consent formMoE/MoHToolAnglais
Zimbabwe age calculator table toolMinistry of Health and Child Care, Zimbabwe2018ToolAnglais

Ajouté par: Paul Bloem

Ajouté le: 2018-04-25 13:19:57

Consultations: 2862


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HPV letter Invitation South Africa .pdf

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