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The WHO Department of Immunization Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) is pleased to announce the upcoming second webinar series on Why Gender Matters for Immunization: IA2030.  The Immunization Agenda 2030 e...


Join us for a new session of the Webinar series for National/subnational Focal Points on COVID-19 Vaccination!  Topic: Private Sector Engagement  When: Tuesday 18 May (12-1PM CET) Registration: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_60QBnRtURmaoXz2mGFWPIQ?fbclid=IwAR3m6mGO...
The Boost Community is excited to announce the launch of: Through this new series, Boost will surface elements of real-time immunization activities or programs that demonstrate innovation or adaptability. "Sparks" will focus on unique or impactful solutions during pivotal moments that result...
Hi, all. I'm writing to share this attached report that investigates: How concentrated or dispersed should COVID vaccination delivery be in LMICs? Should COVID-19 vaccines be delivered through a few large, centralized vaccination locations (concentrated) or through many small vaccination locations...
This month, the Health Information Systems Programme (HISP) at the University of Oslo will host the first in a series of quarterly webinars focused on the use of DHIS2 for immunization programs. The HISP network collaborates with The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and Gavi on developin...
Be sure to join Boost and John Snow, Inc. on Wednesday, May 26 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM GMT (check local time) for Session 3 - Improving Foundational Skills to Build a More Resilient Immunization System of the Reaching Every District Using Quality Improvement Methods (...
Dear experts The past 17/05/2021 the EMA published this good news, I share the link: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/more-flexible-storage-conditions-biontechpfizers-covid-19-vaccine It is the best that will improve the cold chain of Pfizer¨s vaccine, at the end, all the vaccines will be be...
Dear colleagues, the World Health Organization is collecting information to document preliminary lessons learned from COVID-19 vaccine roll out. Your participation is requested to help support peer-to-peer learning and develop resources that can support the continuous improvement of national im...
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, advocacy and engagement from Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) have played a critical role in overcoming the crisis from ensuring essential services are available to filling gaps in healthcare systems to engaging with communities and sharing accurate, r...
Description: PATH’s Living Labs Initiative used human-centered design methods to gather feedback on proposed labels for COVID-19 vaccine vials and cartons. Healthcare workers in Kenya and Zambia interacted with the labels and made recommendations for vaccine manufacturers for labels for future ...
You can already register to the next session of the Webinar series for National/subnational Focal Points on COVID-19 Vaccination Topic: Microplanning and Supportive Supervision When: Tuesday 04 May (12-1PM CET) Registration: https://echo.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_60QBnR...
Dear all, I am doing some research on incentives provided to people to accept COVID-19 vaccine or who got already her/his vaccination I already collected a few experiences and websites (file attached) but am looking for more Whatever experience you know, please send me the information and the weblin...
If a recipient received Influenza (Flu) Vaccine can receive COVID19 Vaccine next day more precisely AstraZeneca...
Dear Technet community, I wanted to provide everyone with an update regarding available information resources on the Varo Android app as well as a separate software tool called Pogo LT that works with Varo to provide aggregated performance summaries. The Varo Android application is a free tool tha...
Dear experts This idea was presented in this forum more than one year ago, this week the NY Times wrote: "Biden’s Support for Vaccine Patent Waivers Faces Uphill Effort in Europe". It will be achieved? Will three million of deaths not serve to take the decision? We will have vaccines for the peopl...
We will soon need equipment for distributing Covid-19 vaccines. Some of these vaccines require storage temperatures well below freezing and some can be distributed in the typical 2 to 8 deg C temperature range.    First we need information on the appropriate temperatures for  v...
The Boost Community, in partnership with John Snow, Inc. (JSI), is pleased to announce a three-part discussion series beginning Wednesday, May 12 on the lessons learned from ten years of implementation of the Reaching Every District using Quality Improvement Tools (RED-QI) approach in Ethiopia and...
Are there facilitators and particpant guide for training on Mini PIE for covid19 ?...
Please join MOMENTUM on April 27, 2021 from 8:30-10am EDT for a webinar on Maintaining Focus on Routine Immunization through COVID-19 Vaccination. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, vaccinating priority populations against the virus is a top priority for health systems worldwide. Th...
You can already register to the next session of the Webinar series for National/subnational Focal Points on COVID-19 Vaccination Topic: Mobilizing financing resources for scale up of COVID-19 vaccination  When: Tuesday 20 April (12-1PM CET) Registration:  https://echo.zoo...
Bonjour chers collègues,   Quelqu'un peut-il me partager l'outil d'audit de la qualité des données mis en place dans le cadre du  projet IHSCTA Integrated Health Supply Chain – TechnicalAssistance Activity en Côte d'Ivoire? Merci d'avance, Bien cordialement, KASUMBI Tshituka Loui...
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