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Géraldine Nemrod reacted to this post about 6 months ago
Dear all,
The WHO Prequalified team has published the priority list for 2024-2026: https://extranet.who.int/prequal/vaccines/vaccines-eligible-who-prequalification
The priority categorization of vaccines is established by the WHO in consultation with UNICEF and the Revolving Fund of the Pan American Health Organization. Both of these UN procurement agencies use the prequalification of vaccines service. Four criteria are used to determine the priority category for each vaccine:
- demand in UN-supplied markets, including planned new vaccine introductions
- suitability for WHO programmatic needs, in compliance with Inaternational Health Regulations, eradication, elimination or control initiatives and considerations of individual immunization programmes
- recommendations of WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on immunization
- supply security, indicated by the number, diversity and production capacity of suppliers
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Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Help Gavi’s new Zero-Dose Learning Hub understand how you are using TechNet-21 to support your zero-dose work
Are you concerned about zero-dose children – those that have not yet received a single routine vaccine shot – and the missed communities they live in?
Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) would like to better understand how you are using TechNet-21 and other global platforms to support your work in finding zero-dose children and under immunized communities.
Could we ask you to answer a few questions to better understand what kind of learning is most useful to support your zero-dose work?
Follow this link to take the Zero-Dose Learning Hub platform survey for immunization professionals:
https://tglf.typeform.com/to/hrxS6Nyc#platform=TechNet-21The new Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) is a global partnership of organizations to support immunization staff to turn high-quality data and evidence into action that will identify and reach zero-dose children and missed communities,...
MoreHelp Gavi’s new Zero-Dose Learning Hub understand how you are using TechNet-21 to support your zero-dose work
Are you concerned about zero-dose children – those that have not yet received a single routine vaccine shot – and the missed communities they live in?
Gavi’s Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) would like to better understand how you are using TechNet-21 and other global platforms to support your work in finding zero-dose children and under immunized communities.
Could we ask you to answer a few questions to better understand what kind of learning is most useful to support your zero-dose work?
Follow this link to take the Zero-Dose Learning Hub platform survey for immunization professionals:
https://tglf.typeform.com/to/hrxS6Nyc#platform=TechNet-21The new Zero-Dose Learning Hub (ZDLH) is a global partnership of organizations to support immunization staff to turn high-quality data and evidence into action that will identify and reach zero-dose children and missed communities, ensuring no child is left behind.
Your answers will help Gavi to identify systems and mechanisms to engage, co-create, and share information with global, regional, and country stakeholders; communicate learning around zero-dose barriers and effective interventions; and thereby better target the timely, increased, and sustainable use of evidence.
Bangladesh, Nigeria, Mali, and Uganda will each house Country Learning Hubs to provide in-depth monitoring and gather evidence to improve equity in-country.
At the global level, the ZDLH is a collaborative effort between Gavi and JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), with support from the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) and The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF).
Aidez Gavi à comprendre comment vous utilisez TechNet-21 pour avancer votre travail qui vise à atteindre les enfants «zéro-dose» qui n'ont reçu aucun vaccin de routine
Aidez le nouveau Zero-Dose Learning Hub (le «ZDLH», en français le «centre d’apprentissage zéro-dose») de Gavi à comprendre comment vous utilisez TechNet-21 pour avancer votre travail qui vise à atteindre les enfants «zéro-dose» (c’est-à-dire les enfants qui n'ont reçu aucun vaccin de routine) et les populations sous-vaccinées.
Êtes-vous préoccupé par la santé de ces enfants et par celle des populations manquées dans lesquelles ils vivent ?
Gavi souhaite mieux comprendre comment vous utilisez TechNet-21 et d’autres plateformes internationales pour soutenir votre travail de recherche des enfants zéro-dose et des populations sous-vaccinées.
Pourrions-nous vous demander de répondre à quelques questions afin de mieux comprendre comment mieux soutenir votre travail sur les doses zéro ?
Suivez ce lien pour partager votre expérience:
https://tglf.typeform.com/to/wSgTihko#platform=TechNet-21Le nouveau ZDLH est un projet de Gavi visant à soutenir le personnel de la vaccination pour transformer des données et des preuves de haute qualité en actions qui permettront d’identifier et d’atteindre les enfants zéro-dose et les populations manquées, jusqu’à ce qu’aucun enfant ne soit laissé-pour-compte.
Vos réponses aideront Gavi à identifier des systèmes et des mécanismes pour engager, co-créer et partager l’information avec les parties prenantes internationales, régionales et nationales ; communiquer ce que nous apprenons sur le terrain des obstacles aux interventions efficaces ; et ainsi mieux cibler l’utilisation opportune, accrue et pérennisée des données probantes.
Le Bangladesh, le Nigéria, le Mali et l’Ouganda abriteront chacun un ZDLH national, qui assurera un suivi approfondi et recueillera des données probantes afin de contribuer aux efforts en faveur de l’équité dans le domaine de la vaccination.
Au niveau international, le ZDLH est le fruit d’une collaboration entre Gavi et la JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc. (JSI), avec le soutien de l’Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) et de La Fondation Apprendre Genève (TGLF).
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.the COVAX GIS Working Group has now released version 1 of the Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook. The COVAX GIS Working Group, along with 124 expert authors, have developed this Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook to serve as a practical guide to developing and implementing geo-enabled microplans. This handbook is designed to meet the needs of two target audiences: public health programme designers, and GIS technical staff.
The document can be accessed on the Working Group website here: covid19giswg.net and will also be soon released on the public-facing GISC website along with plans for a public launch of the Handbook.
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.The Introduction to WHO equipment inventory and gap analysis tool webinar materials are now available:
- Recording in English: https://youtu.be/ZYTN4GQeYnk
- Enregistrement en français : https://youtu.be/ZgDRXrpbF_o
- Presentation slides: https://www.technet-21.org/media/com_resources/trl/7987/multi_upload/IntroductiontoIGA13July2022.pdf
Feel free to share the links with colleagues and partners
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Hi all, if you struggled with the link shared above to join the EVM session, please try https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87844115032?pwd=uN1lZ8VqJPz9L4Ksy5fUoVlizP6Udg.1
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.Dear Colleagues and Partners,
Each April, World Immunization Week (WIW) brings together people from around the world to highlight the importance of vaccines and how they protect people of all ages against many diseases, giving us the opportunity to pursue a life well-lived. This year’s campaign comes at an especially critical time as the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted essential health services, including routine immunization, setting back progress by more than a decade. Unfortunately, millions of people are still missing out on the life-saving benefits of vaccines, making it urgent to catch up and reach those who have been missed.
Dr Tedros yesterday launched WIW 2022 (24 – 30 April), with the central theme “Long Life for All”, aiming to unify people around the idea that vaccines make it possible for us to follow our dreams, protect our loved ones and live a long, healthy life. We welcome you to watch the launch at: It’s time to get essential immunization back on track -...
MoreDear Colleagues and Partners,
Each April, World Immunization Week (WIW) brings together people from around the world to highlight the importance of vaccines and how they protect people of all ages against many diseases, giving us the opportunity to pursue a life well-lived. This year’s campaign comes at an especially critical time as the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted essential health services, including routine immunization, setting back progress by more than a decade. Unfortunately, millions of people are still missing out on the life-saving benefits of vaccines, making it urgent to catch up and reach those who have been missed.
Dr Tedros yesterday launched WIW 2022 (24 – 30 April), with the central theme “Long Life for All”, aiming to unify people around the idea that vaccines make it possible for us to follow our dreams, protect our loved ones and live a long, healthy life. We welcome you to watch the launch at: It’s time to get essential immunization back on track - YouTube
Today, we also celebrate World Malaria Day under the theme “Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives.” Please visit World Malaria Day 2022 (who.int) for further resources.
Please join us spread the word, engage your networks and stay updated by following #LongLifeforAlland #WorldImmunizationWeekon social media and visiting our campaign website for more information.
Thank you #LongLifeforAll
Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream."SAGE’s review concluded that a single-dose Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine delivers solid protection against HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer, that is comparable to 2-dose schedules. This could be a game-changer for the prevention of the disease; seeing more doses of the life-saving jab reach more girls.
SAGE recommends updating dose schedules for HPV as follows:
one or two-dose schedule for the primary target of girls aged 9-14
one or two-dose schedule for young women aged 15-20
Two doses with a 6-month interval for women older than 21"
https://www.who.int/news/item/11-04-2022-one-dose-human-papillomavirus-(hpv)-vaccine-offers-solid-protection-against-cervical-cancerPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.There are no activities here yet