Life Course Approach Comprehensive & Inclusive Vision for Today’s Health Systems - 27-31 March 2023, Dominican Republic

DOR LCA Evelyn BalsellsParticipants: Officials from Ministries of Health from 10 countries and regional advisors from PAHO.

This technical meeting was an opportunity for PAHO to demonstrate that Life Course Approach (LCA) concepts can be applied to a long-standing public health program, and that specific questions and concrete actions can be addressed under the auspices of the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to strengthen different components of the national immunization program. This presentation by Program on Comprehensive Immunization (CIM) is part of PAHO’s efforts to develop resources and provide technical support to countries of the Region to apply the concepts of the LCA to national immunization programs and strengthen vaccination services beyond childhood. By contributing to the efforts with the Healthy Life Course Unit, CIM is promoting the application of the LCA to immunization programs as part of the development of a regional strategic vision for inclusive health systems and public health approaches in the Americas.

To contribute to a discussion on the implications of a LCA’s comprehensive framework in the Americas, the CIM reframed immunization programs through the lens of the LCA. The Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was designed to reduce infant mortality rates. As the average lifespan extends, the prevalence of chronic diseases increases and immunosenescence sets in, individuals are at risk of severe disease and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. Vaccination can minimize the impact of infections, increase the body’s capacity to stay healthy across stages of life, and reduce mortality rates. Vaccination is an intervention that Ministries of Health can adjust to close the immunity gaps of individuals of all ages. CIM provided examples of how vaccines can generate health benefits beyond protection from a single pathogen and how integration with other health services can maximize the interventions’ benefits.


For further info: 

Margherita Ghiselli, Evelyn Balsells, Ana Lucía Rosado, Carolina Hommes, Enrique Vega (PAHO)

Photo: P
AHO Life Course Approach Comprehensive & Inclusive Vision for Today’s Health Systems and Public Health Approaches Meeting - 27 to 31 March 2023, Dominican Republic - Credits: PAHO Healthy Life Course Unit