WHO WPRO Polio Bulletin - 2022 Issue No. 24 - Week 47


28th meeting of the Regional Certification Commission on Polio Eradication
in Western Pacific Region
15-17 November 2020, Ha Noi, Viet Nam


At its 28th meeting in Ha Noi, Viet Nam, the Regional Certification Commission (RCC) concluded that the Western Pacific Region remained free of indigenous and imported wild poliovirus transmission. The RCC also noted apparent absence of cVDPV transmission in the Region and the recent recommendation of the Global certification commission (GCC) that validation of the absence of VDPV2 across all regions should involve a globally uniform process, coordinated by GCC and RCCs through an agreed framework, with thorough engagement of National certification committees (NCC).


Read more in the latest issue of the bulletin


Read more in the latest issue of the bulletin