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Resource | Missed Opportunities for Vaccination (MOV) Strategy |
Purpose | A strategy to increase immunization coverage by making better use of existing contacts with health sector (at health centers, hospitals, outreach sites). Provides information on the missed opportunities for vaccination. |
Content | 3 main content areas (a) a Planning Guide to Reduce Missed Opportunities; (b) Methods for assessing missed opportunities; (c) Guide for implementing activities for reducing missed opportunities. Training Materials and Assessment Tools also available. Missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) are defined as any contact made with health services by a child (or adult) who is eligible for vaccination, but which does not result in the individual receiving all vaccine doses for which he or she is eligible. The MOV strategy answers three important questions: How many opportunities are missed? - Assessed through: exit interviews with mothers/caregivers. Why are these opportunities being missed? -Assessed through: Health worker KAP questionnaires, focus group discussions (mothers/caregivers and health workers). What can be adjusted or done differently? - Assessed through: In-depth interviews, brainstorming sessions. The cost of visiting a healthcare facility is calculated based on the answers given by caregivers on questions relating to what type of transport they used, the cost and time needed to get to the clinic, their monthly income range and employment type, what medical costs they had incurred during their most recent visit, any childcare costs incurred during the visit, and how much time they had spent at the facility. |
Expected outcomes | Improved timeliness and coverage of immunisation and reduced inequity. |
Use | •To be used if report available at the country level. •Does not require user input. This is an assessment that would have been conducted before. Might not be availble in all countries, and shouldn't be conducted just for the purposes of informing a criterion for CAPACITI, as it is resource intensive. |
Strengths | Enables improved coverage and timeliness of vaccination through better use of existing services and resources by linking and translating findings into actionable solutions to reduce MOV. The MOV assessment methodology includes both qualitative and quantitative component. Intervention guide includes MOV-lite option, which encourages countries to make better use of data to address MOV. |
Contraints/Limitations | Method applies to populations that are already accessing health services and may not be applicable in situations where populations are not accessing or utilising health services at all. |
Why use it | (a) To detect reasons for missed vaccinations. (b) To improve coverage through reductions in missed opportunities at clinic or outreach visits. (c) To improve timeliness of vaccination and improve coordination with other health services. (d) Zero dose / Under immunized: Outlines steps in developing strategy for MOV, including field assessment to identify barriers to service use, and then designing interventions to address these barriers. Guidance is provided on analysis and response to factors relating to health workers knowledge, attitude and practices, factors due to health system issues or constraints and demand-related issues (caregiver/community behaviours) that prevent uptake of immunisation services. |
Who should use it | Different stakeholders such as: Assessment coordinator, data manager, qualitative expert/social scientist, field teams and representatives from MOH and partners. |
Example criteria this resource could address | The data can be used to understand the missed opportunities for vaccination (e.g. during what type of visit did they occur), and determine whether the decision-question might affect this aspect by either reducing it or increasing it. |
If available, notes on the development process | It is conducted by the country, and thus the quality of the report varies depending on how the review was conducted. |
Additional Links |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/guidance/missed-opportunities-for-vaccination-mov-strategy |