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Resource | Malaria Vaccine Decision-Making Framework |
Purpose | To prepare African countries to decide, in a timely manner, if and how a vaccine should be introduced to complement existing malaria control strategies. |
Content | The African governments, their partners at the national, regional and global levels. Those involved in the planning process include ministries of health, policy, finance and planning, international organizations, malaria vaccine scientists and donors. This framework helps countries to understand the disease burden, likely impact of future malaria vaccine, impact of current malaria interventions and financing options. The planning tool promotes preparation for a new vaccine at the national level. One of the key aspects in the planning process for country decisions on malaria vaccine introduction is the early identification and gathering of the necessary data. The planning tool outlines a range of data that would inform country decisions- from the malaria disease burden, the likely impact of future malaria vaccine, the impact of current malaria interventions, financing options. The tool supports countries to put processes in place, if a decision is made to adopt a vaccine, many groups and people would have to act on the information for successful introduction. |
Example criteria this resource could address | The data collection can focus on any of the criteria areas. |
Additional Links | |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/tool/malaria-vaccine-decision-making-framework |