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Resource | PriorityVax |
Purpose | Prioritizing vaccine development. |
Content | The target audience for this tool are immunization decision-makers. PriorityVax promotes auditable and rigorous deliberations; enables and captures the decision matrix of users; and generates shareable documentation of the process. The tool is especially useful in highlighting the sensitivity of decisions to inherent bias and uncertainty in the evidence. The platform is designed to capture deliberations around prioritisation, to explicitly evidence the importance of different criteria and produce a consistent documented process that supports transparent EIDM. This improved platform, supported by the Sabin Vaccine Institute, has a more streamlined user experience and a clearer selection and use of attributes. Users can easily tailor PriorityVax to incorporate local evidence-to-recommendation processes. It is a customizable, web-based tool in which users can employ the national and subnational data they have identified as bet-suited to inform their priority-setting decisions and to place equity at the center of vaccine selection, allocation and distribution. In a stepwise process the tool guides the user to define the target population, the disease and vaccine characteristics, and to identify the country vaccine needs, attributes and criteria that can guide the decision making. Weighting can be applied, and the evidence that should be used can be both qualitative and quantitative. The output is a report on the available evidence, and how the decision was made. |
Example criteria this resource could address | The tool allows the user the select from a wide range of criteria, thus it can be used to explore many areas. |
Additional Links | |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/tool/priorityvax |