Comparing Resources
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Resource | Country-led Assessment for Prioritization in Immunization (CAPACITI) decision-support tool |
Purpose | To support national immunisation programmes to prioritise among multiple immunisation products, services, or strategies. |
Content | The CAPACITI decision-support tool guides users through five steps of a structured recommendation process that is evidence based, context specific and well documented. The CAPACITI tool is based on multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) – a structured methodology that brings together different viewpoints and sources of evidence to compare options (products, services, or strategies). The tool can be used to identify if one or more option(s) is better than the others, or for ranking of the options from best to worst (depending on the decision question). The CAPACITI tool is aimed at a secretariat or core team within the national immunization programme or ministry of health (MOH) that is tasked with coordinating the recommendation process. This team should have knowledge of the national immunization programme and policy processes within the country. |
Example criteria this resource could address | Users are free to define the criteria that will be used to assess the different options. |
Additional Links | |
Link to access the resource | /en/resources/tool/country-led-assessment-for-prioritization-in-immunization-capaciti-decision-support-tool |