This section contains country and/or partner case studies with salient examples on COVID-19 vaccination. These case studies may describe a national or sub-national intervention and should be able to describe tangible impact. The case studies are standardized in two different format options, as narrative and as a slide deck option. They are an opportunity for countries to showcase an intervention or innovation, with a higher level of detail compared to country presentations. Therefore, they could be more appropriate for a country in case they want to follow an example or intervention from another country. The case studies have been provided on a voluntary basis after an invitation to submit materials was done broadly.
In the same way as in the first topic section, the case studies are focusing on the same 6 critical topics. Case studies, not falling under these categories, can be found under “Other Topics”.
This is an evolving section, and our team is working with countries and partners in developing case studies from salient examples. As such, this section will be updated as we complete additional case studies.
Service Delivery
Innovations or experiences that focused on vaccine delivery approaches, including those implemented for reaching parts of the population that otherwise would have been unreached.
Supply Chain and Waste Management
Supply chain and waste management infrastructures were under enormous pressure to cope with the pandemic requirements. Countries needed to upgrade their systems and implement innovative approaches to be able to implement vaccination successfully.
Titre | Auteur | Année | Type | Langue |
Nepal_Gestion des Déchets COVID-19_Kathmandu Valley | HECAF360, World Health Organization (WHO) | 2023 | Case study | Français |
Nepal_Waste Management COVID-19 Kathmandu Valley | HECAF360, World Health Organization (WHO) | 2023 | Case study | Anglais |
Human Resources and Training
Another aspect of the programmatic implementation that was under enormous pressure. Health staff needed to be prepared for the complexities of the response and also required frequent additional training and information as the knowledge base and practices evolved rapidly with time.
Titre | Auteur | Année | Type | Langue |
India - Dry run for Covid-19 Vaccination | Danish Ahmed | Presentation | Anglais | |
India - Dry run for Covid-19 Vaccination | Danish Ahmed | Case study | Anglais | |
Staffing Considerations for COVID-19 Mass Vaccination Sites | VillageReach | 2023 | Presentation | Anglais |
Vaccine Demand
Under growing vaccine hesitance and misinformation, demand generation, social listening and adaptation of strategies were critical to increase uptake of vaccine in all levels of society.
Titre | Auteur | Année | Type | Langue |
Zambia_Bottom-up demand generation to reach eligible populations | Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership | 2023 | Case study | Anglais |
Zambia_Génération de la Demande Ascendante_FR | Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership | 2023 | Case study | Français |
Monitoring and Information systems
Country innovations or approaches for improved data monitoring, reporting to keep track of progress and priorities.
Titre | Auteur | Année | Type | Langue |
Ethiopia - Digital Health response to COVID-19 pandemic | Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership | 2022 | Case study | Anglais |
Éthiopie - Riposte à la pandémie de COVID-19 par la santé numérique | Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership | 2022 | Case study | Français |
India - Digital Solutions for COVID-19 vaccination | Covid-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership | 2022 | Case study | Anglais |
India - Solutions de Données Numériques pour la vaccination COVID-19 | Government of India | 2022 | Report | Français |
Rwanda - Digital Solutions for COVID-19 vaccination | Ministry of Health, Rwanda | 2022 | Case study | Anglais |
Rwanda - Solutions des infrastructures numériques pour la vaccination COVID-19 | Ministry of Health, Rwanda | 2022 | Case study | Français |
Linkages and Integration with routine immunization
The pandemic and its response were very disruptive for other health interventions, including the countries’ routine immunization programmes. Countries developed solutions for alleviating these challenges, encompassing pandemic response activities with other health related interventions.
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Other partner case studies
For case studies from salient examples that do not fall in any of the above category.