Wednesday, 28 August 2024
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The WHO Department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biological in collaboration with the UNICEF Health Section, New York HQ with the support of TechNet-21, is pleased to announce a webinar series on “Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile”.

As the global initiative to achieve and maintain the elimination of maternal and neonatal tetanus reaches its last mile with 49 (83%) of the 59 high-burden countries validated for elimination as of August 2024, the webinar series hope to provide MNTE Focal Persons within the MoH, WHO, UNICEF & UNFPA and interested stakeholders in the 59 countries the opportunities to strengthen their technical capacity in support of the initiative. Given the multiprong strategies for the global initiative, Program Focal Persons and other Experts from the Immunization, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescence Health (MNCAH), School Health and Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance programs are expected to benefit from the webinar series.

12 September: What to know about Neonatal Tetanus: Diagnosis and Prevention?

26 September: Eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus: “High-risk district” approach

10 October: Validating and sustaining maternal and neonatal tetanus The series will be interpreted in French.



5 months ago

Dear colleagues,


The first session in the webinar series on ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, will take place on September 12.

Session 1: What to know about Neonatal Tetanus: Diagnosis and Prevention?

After this webinar session, participants are expected to:

▪ understand the basic features of maternal and neonatal tetanus, including timely diagnosis and management

▪ improve their technical skills at timely diagnosing, investigating, and responding to MNT cases as per WHO guidelines

This session will be interpreted in French.


Register here:

4 months ago

Dear colleagues,

The materials of the first webinar session in the series on  ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, are now available.

Session 1: What to know about Neonatal Tetanus: Diagnosis and Prevention? 

- Video in EN: 

- Video in FR: 

- Presentation slides:

4 months ago
Dear colleagues,
The next webinar session in the series on ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, will take place on September 26.
Session 2: Eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus: "High-risk district" approach
After this webinar session, participants are expected to:
▪ be conversant with the MNTE initiative: progress and challenges
▪ be conversant with the key MNTE strategies and the required collaborations between EPI and MNCAH programs in ensuring quality implementation
▪ be conversant with NT risk analysis its use for identifying NT high risk districts for rounds of TTCV SIAs 
▪ be conversant with planning, implementing, and monitoring/evaluating high quality TTCV SIAs
This session will be interpreted in French.
Register here:
4 months ago
Dear colleagues,
The materials of the second webinar session in the series on  ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, are now available.
Session 2: "Eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus: Strategies for achieving and sustaining elimination - the “High-risk district” approach" 
In addition, here are the links to the WHO guide for neonatal tetanus and non-neonatal tetanus surveillance: 
4 months ago

The next webinar session in the series on ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, will take place on October 10th, 2024.

Session 3: Validating and sustaining maternal and neonatal tetanus

After this webinar session, participants are expected to:
  • be conversant with the planning and implementation of MNTE assessments:
o pre-validation assessments
o LQA-CS surveys
o post-validation assessments
o annual NT risk analysis for identifying taking corrective measures in NT high risk districts
  • be conversant with the critical preparatory activities, their timelines and responsibilities for MNTEassessments
  • be clear about the leadership roles of the key partners (WHO & UNICEF) for the different assessments
  • be conversant with the alternative assessment methods in security compromised geographic areas of countries and the special planning required

This session will be interpreted into French.

Register here:

3 months ago

Dear colleagues,

The materials of the third and final webinar session in the series on ‘Achieving and maintaining maternal and neonatal tetanus elimination (MNTE) – the last mile’, are now available.

Session 3: "Maternal and neonatal tetanus Elimination: Prevalidating, validating and post-validating elimination" 

- Video in EN: 

- Video in FR: 

- Presentation slides: 

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