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This webinar is the second in our series on Strategies for optimizing Covid-19 vaccine distribution This webin...
This webinar is the second in our series on Strategies for optimizing Covid-19 vaccine distribution

This webinar series has several sessions that will discuss different strategies for optimizing vaccine distribution and use in various contexts. Speakers from different countries and partner agencies will share their experiences and lessons learnt on topics such as ensuring gender equality in accessing COVID-19 vaccines and other life-saving interventions, establishing traceability systems to ensure only quality vaccines are distributed, designing supply chain systems capable of managing multiple vaccine products with varying storage and handling requirements, and integrating COVID-19 vaccine delivery into the national immunization programmes.
Session 2: Verification & traceability of COVID-19 vaccine
Date: July 7, 2022 - 3pm CEST
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  • Session 2 : Vérification et traçabilité du vaccin anti-COVID-19
    Cette session explorera la vérification et la traçabilité des vaccins anti-COVID-19. Elle sera suivie d'une présentation de TRVST, une initiative multipartite visant à fournir aux pays un référentiel de données sur les produits de santé et des outils pour la traçabilité et la vérification des vaccins anti-COVID-19 et d”autre produits de santé. La présentation inclura un partage d’expérience de pays pour la mise en œuvre de ce système à l'échelle nationale.
    Présentateurs :
    Enric Jane (Vitalwave)
    Pierre Dane (Vitalwave)
    Max Kabalisa (UNICEF Bar-code system GS1)
    Lisa Hedman (WHO)

    Inscrivez-vous ici :  https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MJuKuJVEQ1-BWt0l2ec3HQ

    Cette session se déroulera en anglais, avec interprétation en français.
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  • Géraldine Nemrod created a new event

    Verification & traceability of COVID-19 vaccine

    This webinar is the second in our series on Strategies for optimizing Covid-19 vaccine distribution

    This webinar series has several sessions that will discuss different strategies for optimizing vaccine distribution and use in various contexts. Speakers from different countries and partner...
    This webinar is the second in our series on Strategies for optimizing Covid-19 vaccine distribution

    This webinar series has several sessions that will discuss different strategies for optimizing vaccine distribution and use in various contexts. Speakers from different countries and partner agencies will share their experiences and lessons learnt on topics such as ensuring gender equality in accessing COVID-19 vaccines and other life-saving interventions, establishing traceability systems to ensure only quality vaccines are distributed, designing supply chain systems capable of managing multiple vaccine products with varying storage and handling requirements, and integrating COVID-19 vaccine delivery into the national immunization programmes.
    Session 2: Verification & traceability of COVID-19 vaccine
    Date: July 7, 2022 - 3pm CEST
    7th Jul, 2022 15:00 - 16:00 - Europe/Zurich
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