Dear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging webinar focused on the Big Catch-Up activities in Madagascar.
Webinar Details:
- Date: 9 August 2024
- Time: 13:00 hrs East African Time
- Duration: 90 Minutes
- Platform: Zoom Link with French-English interpretation
PLEASE REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bacKk3j0Txa-r-TeFJUkCw
Why Attend?
This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of Madagascar’s Big Catch-Up efforts, including challenges and successes, strategies to reach underserved children, and strengthening routine immunization.
Key Highlights:
- Expert Insights: Hear from the country team coordinating the big catch-up activities to present the latest updates on this BCU initiative.
- Success Stories: Learn about innovative approaches taken in the country to reach and vaccinate the missed children
- Interactive Discussions: Engage in lively discussions on the progress of BCU activities
Expected Outcomes:
MoreDear Colleagues,
We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging webinar focused on the Big Catch-Up activities in Madagascar.
Webinar Details:
- Date: 9 August 2024
- Time: 13:00 hrs East African Time
- Duration: 90 Minutes
- Platform: Zoom Link with French-English interpretation
PLEASE REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bacKk3j0Txa-r-TeFJUkCw
Why Attend?
This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of Madagascar’s Big Catch-Up efforts, including challenges and successes, strategies to reach underserved children, and strengthening routine immunization.
Key Highlights:
- Expert Insights: Hear from the country team coordinating the big catch-up activities to present the latest updates on this BCU initiative.
- Success Stories: Learn about innovative approaches taken in the country to reach and vaccinate the missed children
- Interactive Discussions: Engage in lively discussions on the progress of BCU activities
Expected Outcomes:
Participants will leave with actionable insights on how to effectively support the ongoing BCU initiative and ensure that no child is left behind.
We look forward to your contributions in this crucial conversation about supporting the ongoing initiative to catch-up on children missed with vaccinations in Madagascar and beyond!
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