
Gender webinar 2024 - 5 EN presentation: Implement gender-responsive immunization services in emergency settings

Emergencies, such as outbreaks, disasters and conflict, affect women, girls, boys and men differently. To be effective, immunization services must be responsive to and address the different needs, priorities, capacities and roles of people in emergency situations. Overlooking gender issues in emergency planning and response creates a danger for further entrenching gender norms and expectations, creating negative outcomes for women and other marginalized groups. Through concrete examples from different countries, the last webinar of this series will focus on the importance of gender mainstreaming in health and immunization emergencies. We will learn how rapid gender analysis during outbreaks can not only contribute to gender equity and equality but also strengthen health emergency programming at all levels.


  • English

Publication year





  • Programme management


  • Democratic Republic Of The Congo
  • Nepal


  • Gender

Topic references


Gender webinar 2024 - 1 EN presentation: Gender responsive actions to improve the quality, accessibility and availability of servicesStephanie Shendale, Khadijah A Ibrahim Nuhu, Michela Manna, Hnin Su Mon2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 1 EN: Gender responsive actions to improve the quality, accessibility and availability of servicesStephanie Shendale, Khadijah A Ibrahim Nuhu, Michela Manna, Hnin Su Mon2024WebinarEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 1 FR presentation: Actions adaptées aux genre : améliorer la qualité, l'accessibilité et la disponibilité des servicesStephanie Shendale, Khadijah A Ibrahim Nuhu, Hnin Su Mon, Michela Manna2024PresentationFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 1 FR: Actions adaptées aux genre : améliorer la qualité, l'accessibilité et la disponibilité des servicesStephanie Shendale, Khadijah A Ibrahim Nuhu, Michela Manna, Hnin Su Mon2024WebinarFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 2 EN presentation: Empower and collaborate with civil society and change agents to overcome gender barriersAlexis Sullivan, Avishek Hazra, Camara Fantamady, Ginny Fonner2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 2 EN: Empower and collaborate with civil society and change agents to overcome gender barriersAlexis Sullivan, Avishek Hazra, Camara Fantamady, Ginny Fonner, Stephanie Shendale2024WebinarEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 2 FR presentation: Collaborer avec la société́ civile et les agents du changement, et leur donner des moyens d’action pour surmonter les obstacles liés au genreAlexis Sullivan, Avishek Hazra, Camara Fantamady, Ginny Fonner2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 2 FR: Collaborer avec la société́ civile et les agents du changement, et leur donner des moyens d’action pour surmonter les obstacles liés au genreAlexis Sullivan, Avishek Hazra, Camara Fantamady, Ginny Fonner, Stephanie Shendale2024WebinarFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 3 EN presentation: Advance gender equality and improve coverage through integrated services and collaboration across sectorsMichela Manna, Khavi Homsombath, Tendayi Gudo, Maria Lemos, Shukhrat Rakhimdjanov2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 3 EN: Advance gender equality and improve coverage through integrated services and collaboration across sectorsMichela Manna, Khavi Homsombath, Tendayi Gudo, Maria Lemos, Shukhrat Rakhimdjanov2024WebinarEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 3 FR presentation: Faire progresser l’égalité des genres et améliorer la couverture à travers les services intégrés et la collaboration entre les secteurs Michela Manna, Khavi Homsombath, Tendayi Gudo, Maria Lemos, Shukhrat Rakhimdjanov2024PresentationFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 3 FR: Faire progresser l’égalité des genres et améliorer la couverture à travers les services intégrés et la collaboration entre les secteurs Michela Manna, Khavi Homsombath, Tendayi Gudo, Maria Lemos, Shukhrat Rakhimdjanov2024WebinarFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 4 EN presentation: Apply a gender lens to research and innovation Stephanie Shendale, Anna Ruggieri, Shirin Heidari2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 4 EN: Apply a gender lens to research and innovationStephanie Shendale, Anna Ruggieri, Shirin Heidari2024WebinarEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 4 FR presentation: Adopter une perspective de genre dans la recherche et l’innovationStephanie Shendale, Anna Ruggieri, Shirin Heidari2024PresentationFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 4 FR: Adopter une perspective de genre dans la recherche et l’innovationStephanie Shendale, Anna Ruggieri, Shirin Heidari2024WebinarFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 5 EN presentation: Implement gender-responsive immunization services in emergency settingsSimone Carter, Niva Shakya, Cecilliah Mbaka, Santa Dangol2024PresentationEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 5 EN: Implement gender-responsive immunization services in emergency settingsSimone Carter, Niva Shakya, Cecilliah Mbaka, Santa Dangol2024WebinarEnglish
Gender webinar 2024 - 5 FR presentation: Mettre en œuvre des services de vaccination adaptés aux spécificités de genre dans les situations d’urgenceSimone Carter, Niva Shakya, Cecilliah Mbaka, Santa Dangol2024PresentationFrench
Gender webinar 2024 - 5 FR: Mettre en œuvre des services de vaccination adaptés aux spécificités de genre dans les situations d’urgenceSimone Carter, Niva Shakya, Cecilliah Mbaka, Santa Dangol2024WebinarFrench

Added by: Stephanie Shendale

Added on: 2024-07-11 16:24:42

Hits: 667


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