
Rotavirus vaccine cost calculator for middle-income countries

This is a simple, Excel-based tool for assessing and comparing financial costs of rotavirus vaccination programs with each product available in the global market. It aims to help country-level policymakers specifically in middle-income countries compare products and estimate vaccination program costs for different rotavirus vaccines, exploring up to four different vaccine options at a time. The tool calculates cold chain volume and costs annually and for a total period of five years. Cost estimates are composed of vaccine cost (i.e., vaccine and supplies procurement and international shipping) and vaccination program costs (i.e., vaccine cost and cost of delivery). This new tool is more flexible than PATH's initial set of Vaccine Cost Calculators to better meet the needs of middle-income countries. For example, users can include a domestically produced vaccine option that is not available in the global market, as well as compare costs for up to three different scenarios of multi-vaccine use as some countries may plan to use more than one product at the same time.



  • English
  • French
  • Spanish

Publication year





  • Programme management


  • Rotavirus


  • PATH


  • Planning, budgeting and financing

Topic references


Rotavirus vaccine cost calculator for Gavi-eligible countriesPATH2024ToolEnglish, French, Spanish
Rotavirus vaccine cost calculator for middle-income countriesPATH2024ToolEnglish, French, Spanish
Summary of key characteristics of WHO Prequalified Rotavirus vaccinesWorld Health Organization (WHO)Poster/infographicEnglish
UNICEF Pricing Information-RVVUNICEF2021DatasheetEnglish
Vaccine Detailed product profiles (DPPs) For Gavi-supported vaccinesGavi, the Vaccine AllianceRepositoryEnglish, French
VIEW-hub data on RVV introductions, coverage, and productsInternational Vaccine Access Center (IVAC), Johns Hopkins UniversityToolEnglish
WHO position papersWorld Health Organization (WHO)RepositoryArabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish