By BID Initiative on Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Category: Partner News

BID Story launches celebrating the transformative power of data and country ownership

By Laurie Werner, Global Director, BID Initiative

Posted in News, People, Policies & Practices, Products

This blog series launches the BID Story, and recounts our journey to design, develop, and implement data quality and use interventions in Tanzania and Zambia between 2014 and 2018.

Five years. Two electronic immunization registries (EIRs). Nineteen design countries who regularly input to the BID Learning Network. Study visits to Benin and Chile to learn from others implementing health information systems. More than half a million children registered in both EIRs, and 1,580 health facilities implementing data quality and use interventions, allowing health workers to collect, analyze, and act upon immunization data in real time.

It’s hard to believe that all this has been accomplished over the last five years – and the above milestones barely scratch the surface of the wins, challenges, and lessons from the last half a decade. This July marked the end of the original work of the BID Initiative. To mark the occasion, we’re launching the BID Story, a comprehensive account of our journey in partnering with Zambia and Tanzania to improve immunization data quality and use. The story includes personal perspectives from those involved in BID’s design and implementation, an infographic illustrating the impact of interventions, and a video capturing BID’s impact to date.

But this is more than just a celebratory feature. We hope it will help other countries, digital health advocates, and immunization stakeholders learn from our experience. And most of all, we hope it will illuminate the incredible partnerships, collaboration, and country leadership that has defined the past five years of BID.

Follow our journey by reading the BID Story.


Original link
Original author: Celina Kareiva
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