By Louise Henaff on Friday, 29 July 2022
Category: Partner News

GNN monthly update: July' 22

Subject: GNN monthly update July' 22


Dear all,


This month ends with two great meetings where some of you were able to meet face-to-face and it is always a pleasure to see the NITAG community so vibrant.

3 main points from this monthly update:

  1. a SAGE extraordinary meeting is being held on August 11th to discuss Valneva vaccine, second booster for covid-19 vaccines and updates to the interim recommendations for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The draft agenda ia available here
  2. a GNN webinar will be organized on HPV vaccination on August 31st
  3. a great presentation compiling all the information you need to have on hand while revising your covid-19 vaccines recommendations has been updated and is available here.


I leave you to discover the rest!


COVID-19 vaccines

Additional doses:

ATAGI updated their recommendations for a winter dose of COVID-19 vaccine. The updated recommendations are: JCVI also updated their statement on the COVID-19 vaccination programme for autumn 2022. Under the advice, those eligible for a further dose will be: The NITAG in Belgium published their advisory report on COVID-19 vaccination for Autumn / Winter season 2022 � 2023 in Belgium. It recommends that all risk groups as defined in the report be vaccinated with an additional booster by the end of September 2022 at the latest. The French NITAG has already recommended an additional booster for people aged 60 and over and now recommends extending it to adults under 60 with comorbidities and to pregnant women from the first trimester of pregnancy, who are at risk of developing severe forms of Covid-19. It also recommends a cocooning strategy for people living in the neighborhood or in regular contact with immunocompromised or vulnerable people, who can receive an additional booster dose if they wish. Finally, immunocompromised people regardless of their age, as well as children and adolescents at high risk, and suffering from pathologies justifying it, are eligible for an additional booster dose. El Salvador NITAG recommends a 4th dose only health personnel, people over 50 years of age and adults from 18 years of age with immunosuppressive diseases.


Pediatric vaccination:




WHO resources:



The webinar will address the following topics:

  1. Overview of current WHO activities related to post COVID-19 condition along with a testimonial from a caregiver.
  2. Recognition of post COVID-19 condition in children.
  3. Rehabilitation and models of care in post COVID-19 condition in children.
  4. Data from research cohorts and core outcomes set for post COVID-19 condition in children and young persons. 

Enjoy the summer,


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