By Louise Henaff on Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Category: Partner News

GNN monthly update: November 22'

Dear all,


The end of this year is fast approaching and the monthly updates 22’ will also pause during the December break. In November, our article based on the survey conducted through the GNN on COVID-19 vaccine policy development was finally published and is accessible in open access here:

This month, the WHO regional office for Africa organized a training of trainers in Accra, Ghana. This was a unique opportunity for consultants who will support the regional office in establishing and strengthening NITAGs in the region to familiarize themselves with the various training modules available to NITAGs and to be equipped to support NITAGs in making evidence-based recommendations. This initiative could be replicated in other WHO regions.




Children vaccination:





ACIP approved the following recommendations regarding pneumococcal diseases (these recommendations will be published in the MMWR):


Mpox (new name for Monkeypox):

STIKO issued a statement on the completion of a monkeypox vaccination with the MVA vaccine (Jynneos/Imvanex), more here.


Childhood vaccination:

JCVI publishes its final recommendations on changes to the childhood immunisation schedule. This document sets out the JCVI’s final advice on changes to the childhood immunisation schedule. The changes are needed because the Menitorix© (Hib/MenC) vaccine is being discontinued.




Global NITAG Network (GNN):

The face-to-face annual GNN meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 25-27th 2023 in Amman, Jordan. The Agenda is under development and meeting logistics are being organized. Feel free to reach out if you are interested in participating. The meeting will be hybrid to allow remote participation.

As we are building the agenda, we welcome ideas from NITAG members. Feel free to share them with us.

Best wishes to all.


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