By VillageReach on Wednesday, 01 April 2020
Category: Partner News

Solidarity During Uncertain Times

96 Solidarity During Uncertain Times !--

No matter where you are sitting while reading this email, you are likely adjusting to a new normal. In Seattle, we have seen how quickly COVID-19 can spread, and we are now planning for significant disruption in sub-Saharan Africa.
VillageReach has seen repeatedly that during times of crisis, essential health services often decline which can have a lasting impact on the health of communities. One of the most important things that we can do is to ensure that essential services remain as uninterrupted as is possible. Preventative interventions like vaccines and access to essential medicines remain critical parts of any pandemic response. 
With the rapid way things are changing, we must do what we can to stay ahead.

What we are doing
  1. We are responding to requests from the Ministries of Health. In Malawi, the Ministry of Health and Population has asked us to adapt messages for use on Chipatala cha pa Foni – health center by phone – to distribute accurate information about COVID-19 to communities.  As a community, we must think collectively about how we prepare for and support the incredible response and recovery that will be needed.
  2.  We are reevaluating our program priorities. We recognize that there may be delays as we re-focus on what is mission critical in changing times. Following government mandates and public health best practices is required to keep our staff safe. The need to support the Ministry of Health is just as urgent as they work tirelessly to ensure their health systems are equipped and able to respond.  
  3. We are working to ensure our staff have accurate and timely information about COVID-19. This includes what they can do to protect themselves, their families and their communities. Almost all of the 13 countries where VillageReach has staff now have cases. 
What we know is that this pandemic is affecting every single one of us, no matter where on the globe we live: disruption to supply chains, significant economic impact in our markets and the livelihoods of people to name a few. The ability to control the pandemic depends on a strong and unified global response.  
Thank you for your support and continued partnership.


In solidarity,
Emily Bancroft
VillageReach President
p.s. – Please consider making a gift. Your support is vital for us to help impacted communities in sub-Saharan Africa.



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