By Global Immunization Newsletter on Friday, 23 June 2023
Category: Partner News

WHO supports the catch-up of zero-dose children in Tchirozerine Health District (Agadez region, Niger)

Tchirozérine Health District, with its high demographic density, influences the results of all health services in the Agadez Region.  In terms of routine immunization in 2023, the district concentrates more than a quarter of the 28,927 region’s target children, distributed as follows: Aderbissanat (2088), Agadez Commune (6991), Arlit (6211), Bilma (1060), Iferouāne (2028), Ingall (3072) and Tchirozérine (7477).

At the end of February 2023, the Tchirozérine Health District had 552 zero-dose children, accounting for 51% of the region's zero-dose children. This situation led WHO to focus its support on this district during March and April 2023, to catch up these zero-dose children by implementing the actions outlined below:


Lessons learned: 


Authors: Kaya Mutenda Sheria, N’tia Fabien ,Batoure Oumarou, Tombokoye Harouna, Gbaguidi Aichatou Diawara, El Khalef Ishagh, Haladou Moussa, Toga Maidagi, Freddy Bulembe Makasi (WHO Niger)

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