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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

7th Sep, 2016 7:00AM


9th Sep, 2016 11:45AM

Event Description:
he Twelfth International Rotavirus Symposium will be held 7-9 September, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. It will bring together interested stakeholders to provide an update on new data and relevant research that will inform public health agendas related to prevention of rotavirus gastroenteritis.

Main Session Topics

Participants will discuss the latest results of trials of new rotavirus vaccines in developing country settings, issues in vaccine policy and introduction, and early post-marketing data on vaccine impact and safety. Scheduled sessions include:

Update on rotavirus vaccines
Early experiences with introduction of new rotavirus vaccines
Epidemiology and burden of rotavirus disease
The pipeline for rotavirus vaccines
The next steps for rotavirus vaccines
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