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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

27th Apr, 2023 3:00PM


27th Apr, 2023 4:00PM

Event Description:

With chronic health worker shortages and stagnating routine immunization rates globally, new strategies are needed to increase vaccination coverage and equity. 

Leveraging community health workers (CHWs) as vaccinators is a promising approach that may help countries maximize their health workforce, increase vaccination coverage, reach more zero-dose children, and offer relief to other strained cadres of health workers, such as nurses. 

This webinar will explore what we currently know globally about leveraging CHWs as vaccinators, then focus on Malawi’s unique case, to highlight a strong example of how national CHW cadres can provide routine immunization, when provided sufficient training, support, and supplies. 

Presenters from VillageReach will share their Malawi-based research findings and a community health worker from Malawi will share her first-hand experience providing vaccinations at the community level.

Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_bUe0qNQLQWmfjaJK_nxxVw

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