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Event Information
Event Title:
Event Date / Time:

23rd Jan, 2024 8:00AM


23rd Jan, 2024 9:30AM

Event Description:

This webinar session is the second in the series on 'Achieving Sustainable Health Care Waste Management'.

This three-part webinar series, hosted by UNICEF and GAVI, will orient participants on the key actions to needed to address health care waste, including national strategies, facility-level improvements, and the selection of green technologies.

Session 2: Green and safe technologies for health care waste treatment: From selection & procurement to implementation

This session will introduce the different types of green and safe technologies for health care waste treatment and disposal, showcase specific technology options, and describe the operations and maintenance requirements.

Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_HRN6NYOGTrO3FxOx0Zto2Q#/registration

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