Journal article

Smartphone preventive health care: parental use of an immunization reminder system.

INTRODUCTION: This study examined the feasibility of using a smartphone application recall/reminder system for immunizations given in pediatric primary care. METHOD: The study used a typical descriptive study design. A convenience sample of parents and caregivers was recruited from a primary care pediatric office in a middle-class suburban area. Participants used an Android smartphone application (Call the Shots") that served as a reminder/recall system for vaccinations and offered an embedded tool kit to obtain reliable information about vaccines. RESULTS: A total of 262 persons accessed the application's Web site. The application was downloaded and used by 45 of those persons during the six persons completed the survey. DISCUSSION: Data are insufficient to fully evaluate the usefulness of the "Call the Shots" smartphone application. However


  • English


Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners




Journal article


  • Data

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Added on: 2015-07-02 04:59:21

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