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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Triangulation for improved decision-making in immunization programmes
Purpose (a) To increase knowledge and understanding related to triangulation.
(b) To provide a triangulation process for developing questions, identifying data sources, and interpret different data together considering underlying context and limitations.
(c) To provide examples of how triangulation can be used for programme improvement.
(d) To provide guidance and resources for implementing data triangulation and building data triangulation capacity within countries.
Content The triangulation guide is structured for the national and subnational levels. For both levels, there are separate documents for general triangulation guidance and annexes that provide specific triangulation guidance for key topics: immunity gaps; programme performance; and programme targets (denominators).
Expected outcomes Triangulation of data will mean there is increased information available to address key questions to guide management, tailor strategies, and make decisions to achieve goals.
Strengths (a) Triangulation process identifies and addresses the limitations of any one data source and/or data collection methodology.
(b) A more complete view of the programme issue can be obtained by making sense of different information, as well as the broader context.
(c) Guidance provides information on triangulation of data at both national and sub national levels.
(d) Annexes provide of country examples in triangulation of data related to immunity gaps, programme performance and programme targets (denominators).
Contraints/Limitations (a) Multiples data sources are required for triangulation.
(b) Application of the method requires a certain level of critical thinking and analytic skills.
Why use it Public health practice has long acknowledged that combining many pieces of weaker evidence through triangulation can form a strong basis for more informed decision-making.
Who should use it Immunization programme and VPD surveillance managers at the national and subnational levels. Also helpful for use by non-government organisations.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/guidance/triangulation-for-improved-decision-making-in-immunization-programmes

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