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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Why Gender Matters: IA2030 guide
Purpose This document explains the need for mainstreaming of gender across the core principles and strategic priorities of Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030). Its purpose is twofold:
(i) to improve awareness and understanding of how gender-related barriers can affect immunization programme performance
(ii) to provide practical “how to” concepts, tools and methods, and actions that can be used to effectively integrate a gender perspective into immunization programmes.
Content This document explains why gender considerations matter for immunization programming with examples of common gender-related barriers, along with concrete gender-responsive approaches and actions that can be taken to address them. The guide also provides suggested indicators and data sources to identify gender-related barriers to immunization​, as well as links to other resources and tools for gender-responsive programming.
Expected outcomes Increased awareness and understanding of gender-related barriers to immunization and how to manage them to improve immunization coverage.
Strengths The guidance outlines gender related barriers and related interventions in a detailed manner.
Contraints/Limitations The document is generalized. These concepts will have to be tailored to the local context. This document also does not extend to address barriers to immunization faced by the gender-diverse/non-conforming. however many of the principles and tools can be adapted for these groups.
Why use it Measurement of gender-related barriers is often not routinely included in country assessments and therefore understanding of the impact of gender in some contexts may be limited. This guide should be used to guide data collection efforts to probe and understand the impact of gender on immunization and design tailored, gender-equitable programmes that can help improve coverage and equity.
Who should use it The target audience is everyone engaged in supporting, managing, or implementing immunization programmes – managers and service providers, as well as the staff of ministries of health and other sectors,
civil society, international organizations and donor partners involved in realizing the IA2030 vision
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/guidance/why-gender-matters-ia2030-guide

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