The Technical Network for Strengthening Immunization Services

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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

Comparing Resources

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Resource Quality immunization services: a planning guide
Purpose This guide is aimed at supporting the implementation of high-quality immunization services across all levels. It provides clear, actionable steps to assess and systematically make high-quality immunization services possible across the life course.
Content This document includes a guide on how to provide quality immunization services at the national/district, community and point of service levels of the health system, including clear guidance of the necessary actions required at each level.
It also provides information on how to ensure equitable access to quality immunization services as well as a framework for monitoring and evaluation of health services"
Expected outcomes Evidence and information to support programmes and partners to improve immunization services and equitable access to it.
Strengths Provides clear evidence-based guidance on strengthening immunization systems
Contraints/Limitations May need to be combined with broader guidance on quality policies and quality in primary care to leverage political commitment to investments in this field.
Why use it It provides guidance and practical steps to strengthen immunization service delivery through acting at different levels of the health system.
Who should use it Policy makers, immunization programme managers working at national and subnational levels, nongovernmental and civil society organizations, donors, and persons with planning and management responsibilities for the delivery of immunization or broader health services
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/guidance/quality-immunization-services-a-planning-guide

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6164 members

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Our Partners

We are proud to work with many organizations and initiatives across the world in our efforts to help strengthen immunization services. We support the work of all immunization professionals, from both the public and private sector, from governments and international organizations to NGOs, academic institutions, companies and manufacturers. TechNet is a member of two global immunization partnerships:

Gavi Alliance’s immunization Supply Chain Steering Committee (iSC2)

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Partnership of Immunization Networks

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