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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

Comparing Resources

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Resource Vaccine management and logistics support Inventory and Gap Analysis Tool Forecasting Tool Supply Chain Sizing Tool
Purpose (1) The cold chain equipment inventory and gap analysis tool assists vaccine inventory management.
(2) EPI logistics forecasting tool is designed to guide the process of forecasting the needs for vaccines, safe injections equipment, as well as cold chain and ambient storage capacities for national immunization programmes.
(3) Immunization supply chain sizing tool aims to guide the process of planning the cold chain capacity.
(4) The WHO Vaccine Wastage Calculator is deigned to estimate, with more precision, vaccine supply requirements and to improve the planning and management of immunization programmes at national and sub national level (down to health facility level).
Content All four tools are Excel based with relevant cover pages, data entry and analysis spreadsheets, and are accompanied by user guides.
Expected outcomes More equitable allocation of supply chain equipment attributable to accurate assessment of gaps in the supply chain inventory, prevention of vaccine stock outs due to accurate forecasting of needs and according to the resupply cycle, improved vaccine management due to assessment and expansion of vaccine storage and transport capacity.
Strengths Accurate gap analysis of supply chain equipment, storage needs and vaccine and equipment forecast, should enable more equitable distribution of resource to underserved or low coverage areas (given that low coverage can be an outcome of lack of adequate vaccine supply close to communities). Application of the tools should also result in improved availability, efficiency and quality of vaccines/immunization logistics and supply chain system.
Contraints/Limitations (a) No specific user guide is available at the internet site for use of the tools, other than the guidance provided throughout spreadsheets in the tools.
(b)Unless the data in the cold chain inventory is regularly and frequently updated (monthly or quarterly intervals), the information becomes outdated.
Why use it (a) To identify gaps in supply chain, vaccine and equipment supply, and supply chain capacity in order to take corrective actions through improvement plans.
(b) Zero dose and under immunised: Expand access to and availability of vaccines through expansion of supply chain systems.
Who should use it •National EPI planners and supply chain officers in partnership with sub national EPI managers and partners.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/tool/vaccine-management-and-logistics-support-inventory-and-gap-analysis-tool-forecasting-tool-supply-chain-sizing-tool

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