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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Immunization Equity Reference Group Papers (Gender and Immunisation, Urban populations and immunisation)
Purpose To present the current landscape of inequalities in immunization coverage, how to measure them and the pro-equity strategies and interventions with the best potential to reduce differences in vaccination uptake.
Content Presented as a set of published discussion papers. Main theme areas examine immunization equity from the perspectives of: Universal Health Coverage, gender, conflict, urban, rural and remote settings, human rights, data triangulations and innovations, with two page summaries of each topic. The papers examine determinants of vaccination, commonly used metrics, available data and guidance, and program approaches to the provision of equitable vaccination services and closing of coverage gaps between population groups with a focus on the most disadvantaged.
Expected outcomes Programme managers and providers will be much more informed on different determinants and perspectives on the topic of immunisation inequities.
Use Does not require user input. Does not provide information for criteria, but these are paper that give a general overview of the global problem.
Strengths (a) Provides in depth up to date information on the main determinants of health inequities.
(b) Provides actionable recommendations focussing on community level agency to reduce inequities.
Contraints/Limitations The papers serve as a source of information for strategies on closing coverage gaps and increasing of overall coverage through equitable services and interventions, rather than context specific guidance.
Why use it (a) Each paper considers determinants and programmatic approaches in specific social or geographic settings.
(b) Can be used as a resource to guide strategy development to reduce immunization equities in specific social or geographic settings.
(c) Of high relevance to zero dose and under immunised: In addition to papers on topics relevant to zero dose such as the urban poor, gender, conflict etc, contains a specific paper “A focus on “zero dose” children: Key issues for consideration” relevant for policy and programming on zero dose and under immunised populations.
Who should use it Planners, managers and providers to inform their strategy development, or to refocus plans on reducing inequalities and offer equitable services.
Example criteria this resource could address While these papers do not provide direct data to be used in the decision making process, they provide a contextual information about determinants and programmatic approaches in specific social or geographic settings.
If available, notes on the development process The ERG has developed a series of products focusing on immunisation equity. It has created a series of discussion papers to explore the landscape of inequity in immunization coverage.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/journal-article/immunization-equity-reference-group-papers-gender-and-immunisation-urban-populations-and-immunisation

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