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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource New Vaccine Post Introduction Evaluation (PIE) Tool
Purpose (a) To assess the impact of the vaccine introduction on the immunisation system.
(b) User-friendly tools for conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of the introduction of a new vaccine on immunization programmes.
(c) To provide recommendations for rectifying typical problems associated with the introduction of a new vaccine.
(d) Guidance for analysis of data collected during the evaluation.
(e) A template for a final report.
Content The manual consists of an overview of the PIE, a description of what needs to be evaluated and what the evaluator should be looking for, and an explanation of how to synthesize the data and present the findings. Annexes include checklists, questionnaires, and report templates.
Expected outcomes Evaluation of impact of NVI on the immunisation system, and a set of recommendations to make corrective actions.
Strengths (a) Assessment of the extent to which NVI can contribute to immunisation system improvement.
(b) Enables undertaking of corrective actions to address gaps in introduction planning so that subsequent introductions are more effective.
Contraints/Limitations There may be multiple opportunities for conducting such reviews. Where possible, these opportunities can be sought out to integrate PIE considerations into other evaluations (cMYP situation analysis, EPI Reviews etc).
Why use it (a) Provides a systematic method for evaluating the impact of the introduction of a vaccine on the existing immunization system in a country.
(b) Assists countries to identify specific problems or issues with the introduction that can provide evidence-based recommendations for corrective actions or strengthening of routine immunisation.
(c) In relation to zero dose and under immunised of some relevance: Contains a section on measuring coverage and drop out. Also recommends selection criteria for evaluation that includes assessment of hard-to-reach sites so that the evaluation is geographically representative and takes equity issues into account.
Who should use it National program managers after new vaccine introductions.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/tool/new-vaccine-post-introduction-evaluation-pie-tool

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