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Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource State of inequality: Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Purpose To identify what RMNCH inequalities (including immunisation) exist in 86 low- and middle-income countries and analyse trends. The report recommends development of composite coverage index (RMNCH) as a single indicator. To showcase best practices in reporting the state of inequality in low- and middle-income countries for reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
Content Encompasses the latest status of inequality and changes over time across 23 RMNCH indicators, disaggregated by four dimensions of inequality (economic status, education, place of residence and sex). It draws on data from 86 low and middle-income countries from all world regions. In a subset of 42 low- and middle-income countries, it assesses how inequality had changed over time. Content includes listing of main indicators and cross referencing with dimensions of inequality (economic, education, location, gender).
Expected outcomes The report shows that within-country inequalities decreased; national improvements driven by faster improvements in disadvantaged subgroups. The latest situation of inequality in RMNCH revealed inequalities across low- and middle-income countries in terms of national figures. Within-country inequality differed across health indicators. Maternal health intervention indicators demonstrated pronounced within-country inequalities. Under-five mortality rate and stunting prevalence in children (
Strengths The use of effective reporting practices helps to convey clear messages about the state of inequality. Visualization technology facilitates the presentation and interpretation of large amounts of data.
Contraints/Limitations (a) A major limitation of the report is the exclusion of countries that did not participate in DHS and MICS.
(b) The report can establish associations between social exposures and health inequalities but cannot generate knowledge on the community and health system contextual factors that are contributing to inequalities.
(c) Individual level behavioural and gender factors may also not be well captured in the data.
Why use it (a) Zero dose and under immunised: The report is an information resource on RMNCH inequities to inform development of pro equity immunisation policies and strategies. (b) Highlights inequities in health care access and outcomes related to economic status, education, location.
Who should use it Policy makers, planners, and as a an educational resource to understand the determinants of RMNCH inequities.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/report/state-of-inequality-reproductive-maternal-newborn-and-child-health

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