By Moderator on Thursday, 04 February 2021
Category: Partner News

EYE achievements in 2020 & West Africa news

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December & January Newsletter


As we approach 2021 with renewed hope about the Covid-19 pandemic, we are pleased to share last year's highlights, and demonstrate how we are moving closer to our vision of eliminating yellow fever epidemics by 2026.

click here for the full report.

December and January have been busy months for the EYE partnership. Here is a round-up of the latest activities in West Africa. 



The International Coordinating Group on vaccine provision (ICG) approved the allocation of vaccinations to protect 769,799 people in 10 Senegalese districts: Kidira, Bakel, Goudiry, Dianke Makha, Tambacounda and Salemata, Kedougou and Saraya. 

A state of emergency has been declared by the Government earlier this month, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Work is underway to understand levels of yellow fever background immunity and further information will be released once available.  

EYE partners, and regional and country colleagues have been working together to obtain updates on suspected and confirmed cases in the country. Yellow fever vaccinations are due to begin in mid-February 2021.





There is an outbreak in the Northern district of Guinea, on the border of Senegal. 90% of cases are attributed to children under the age of 15 years old, which were missed by routine immunization after a nationwide preventive campaign. Guinea’s request to the ICG has been approved, and will provide protection for 147,536 people in Koundara district.  

At the same time, this provision will also be used to vaccinate older age groups without a history of immunization. Yellow fever vaccinations are due to begin in February 2021. 

An African Regional Office (AFRO) focal person provided in-country support to develop the response plan, and the AFRO laboratory 
coordinator has ensured that the national laboratory has the necessary reagents and access to international shipments.  

Guinea has been impacted by Ebola outbreaks in recent years. This has been further exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis. Resources on the ground are limited in Guinea, however, efforts are underway to deploy further personnel to support the endeavors to mitigate the impact of the outbreak, and timely detection of future events.  



After confirmed outbreaks in 6 states, the epidemiological situation in Nigeria has stabilized in recent weeks, with a downward trend in new yellow fever case reports. Vaccination activities have included an acceleration in preventive activities in Delta, Bauchi and Benue states. There are 500,000 doses imminently available for Borno (allocated through preventive mass vaccination campaign (PMVC) provision), where there were 5 yellow fever cases spread across 4 Local Government Areas (LGAs).  

Ongoing partnership response 

The focal person for yellow fever in AFRO and the Dakar Health Emergency hub are coordinating  responses across the affected countries in West Africa.  

A number of EYE entities are also working in collaboration with colleagues across diseases in the regional office and the WHO Inter-country Support Team. This is to understand the sub-regional and sub-national risk implications of the intensified yellow fever virus circulation in the region, and on the optimal risk management approach.  

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