By Moderator on Friday, 17 April 2020
Category: Partner News

Reminder: Register Today for the April AART User Group Mini-Series


As a reminder, the next AART User Group Mini-Series will be Wednesday, April 22 at 4:00pm ET. This session will be focused on Clinical Decision Support. Join us for some, or all, of the AART User Group Mini-Series going on now! The webinars will be held on the 4th Wednesday of every month at 4:00pm ET through July.

Overview: This is a six-month series of user group meetings for both technical and program staff. This mini-series will promote and support the use of AART as a means for IIS to more quickly and efficiently align with national standards and priorities. 

Who Should Join? You! IIS managers, Program managers, IIS teams, HL7 analysts, data exchange/quality analysts, existing AART users – anyone interested in learning more.

4 More Sessions: We hope you’ll join us for all 4 of the remaining user groups in the series. However, if you miss one (or two), you can still join! We’ve strategically designed the webinar so you can jump into the series at any point and still get valuable information out of it.

How to Join? Register separately for each of the user groups below:

We look forward to your program joining the conversations!

Thank you,

Brittany Gyer | Administrative Coordinator
American Immunization Registry Association (AIRA)
1155 F Street NW, Suite 1050 | Washington, DC 20004
Main: 202.552.0208 | Direct: 202.552.5748 | 


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