By Moderator on Thursday, 01 April 2021
Category: Partner News

This is No Joke!


It might be April Fool’s Day, but this is no joke! The AIRA 2021 National Meeting is happening. We’re currently planning for a hybrid meeting with both in-person and virtual components on August 3–5 in Portland, Oregon. Thankfully, the COVID-19 case rates in Oregon are among the lowest in the nation. If things go as hoped with President Biden’s vaccine rollout efforts, a large proportion of attendees will be vaccinated by August. However, we’ll continue to monitor the situation and adjust our plans accordingly. We understand that even if many people are vaccinated, and Oregon’s regulations permit us to hold the in-person portion of the meeting, some may still be too busy to travel or feel uncomfortable traveling, so we want to also offer virtual ways for everyone to participate in portions of the meeting.

We also wanted to let you know that we will not be announcing a Call for Abstracts this year. Instead, we will be opening a less formal Call for Content as a way to allow you to submit content ideas for the meeting without going through a formal abstract submission process. Our hope is that this will be a lighter lift for you while still enabling you to share content that is relevant and interesting.

We’ll be back in touch soon with information on the Call for Content, registration, and room reservations. If you have any questions or want more information, please contact Carmela Gupta.

Thank you!

American Immunization Registry Association 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 1025, Washington, District of Columbia 20006, United States 202.522.0208

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