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Event Information
Event Title:
How the mSupply electronic inventory management toolset is supporting the COVID-19 vaccine rollout; with Tonga case study
Event Date / Time:
24th Jun, 2021 8:00PM - 9:00PM (Pacific/Auckland)
Event Description:

An introduction to the mSupply toolset for managing vaccinations, with a focus on the COVID-19 vaccination rollout in Tonga. 


Craig Drown - started Sustainable Solutions in 2001 after working in a not-for-profit medical warehouse in Nepal. Originally a pharmacist, now mainly holding together a wonderful team that spans 8 countries, and leading the transition to The mSupply Foundation and our open source model.

Richard Moizeau - mSupply Consultant. Several years experience in supply chain management in the pharmaceutical industry.

Adam Dewey - mSupply Consultant. Previous experience working closely with local communities on developmental projects throughout Uganda, Ecuador and India.

Nancy Tupou - Digital Supply Chain Officer for Tonga. Has experience in monitoring, training and supporting health staff throughout Tonga in using Tupaia, mSupply and DHIS2.


Register here: https://who.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CITVbalOS9GucbvLOGdgYA

To start the discussion and ask your questions: https://www.technet-21.org/en/forums/discussions/webinar-how-the-msupply-electronic-inventory-management-toolset-is-supporting-the-covid-19-vaccine-rollout-with-tonga-case-study

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