MCV 5-dose implementation

10. Cross-country study on vaccine wastage in Ghana, Mozambique and Pakistan. Gavi webinar presentation with PATH, IQVIA and VillageReach. (17 May 2022)

: The cross-country study aimed to estimate vaccine wastage rates in Ghana, Mozambique, and Pakistan using retrospective and prospective analysis; understand the context and identity key drivers of vaccine wastage; and provide recommendations to improve wastage monitoring and data use. Open-vial wastage was highest across all 3 countries for the MR vaccine. Researchers found that there is evidence of the tradeoffs between meeting coverage versus wastage goals; hence vaccinators sometimes deviate from the national guidance of opening a multi-dose vial when only one child is present.

Added by: Sassenach

Added on: 12th July 2022

Hits: 132

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