
Market Intelligence

Market Intelligence

Market intelligence for vaccine procurement focuses on understanding and analysing vaccine supply that is either already existing or under development, market dynamics from a global demand perspective, as well as specific country demand. It also focuses on the nuanced interplay of the supply and demand landscape. 

Market intelligence is important for understanding programme design, planning and financing, and incorporating them into a vaccine procurement strategy. This information also helps the buyer make more accurate and optimal procurement decisions. 

To leverage market intelligence into a procurement strategy, a practitioner should first understand the vaccine markets’ context that will impact the country’s immunization programme. He then has to identify what market intelligence is required to accomplish the procurement objectives, such as reducing vaccine prices that are paid by the country, increasing access to vaccines, increasing supply security, etc. 

Key market intelligence resources include: 

Ultimately, market intelligence informs the country’s procurement strategy by enabling the country to develop SMART objectives and relevant approaches. It can lead to changes in product selection, procurement mechanisms, tendering and contracting, regulatory harmonization, financing and budgeting. 

Learn more about market intelligence in the resources below.


Added by: Dyuti Schuwey-Daeppen

Added on: 14th December 2019

Topic References

Market Intelligence