Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Vaccine Detailed product profiles (DPPs) For Gavi-supported vaccines
Purpose Information on Gavi-supported vaccines.
Content Allows access to up-to-date and comprehensive information on Gavi-supported vaccines. Provides an overview of WHO prequalified products for the vaccine groups that Gavi supports. The easy access to data aims to encourage countries to consider factors beyond procurement cost and impact on country co-financing requirements, including information on vaccine presentation, pricing, indicative wastage rates, manufacturers, cold chain volume and handling. By comparing the information the country can decide what is the most programmatically favourable for the specific country’s context contributing to the sustainability of the immunisation programme. Provides information on vaccine group, type and serotypes, presentation, product availability, recommended schedule, price per dose, dose per fully immunised person, price per fully immunised person, indicative wastage rate, wastage adjusted price per fully immunised person, manufacturers, NRA, WHO-PQ date, Administration, secondary packaging, shelf-life, cold chain volume per dose (cm3), vaccine vial monitor type, handling open vials, controlled temperature chain (CTC). Available Vaccine Detailed product profiles include Rotavirus, PCV, HPV and TCV.
Use Does not require user input. Easily accessible list.
Contraints/Limitations This list is only for Gavi supported vaccines.
Example criteria this resource could address Wide range of data on vaccines that can be used to understand the economic impact and sustainability.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/repository/vaccine-detailed-product-profiles-dpps-for-gavi-supported-vaccines