Improving immunization coverage and equity - technical resources

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Resource Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (including pipeline vaccines)
Purpose Information on available vaccines and vaccines in development.
Content List of available vaccines of certain diseases. For each disease or pathogen provides summary information on internationally available vaccines and WHO policy recommendations together with key resources. Also, provides a list of diseases for which vaccines are in development, overseen by the WHO’s Product Development for Vaccines Advisory Committee (PDVAC), provides information on vaccine research and development.
Use Does not require user input. Easily accesible list.
Contraints/Limitations The list of available vaccines includes only WHO pre-qualified vaccines.
Example criteria this resource could address To become familiar with the different vaccines for each disease and/or pathogen, and to understand the pipeline vaccines.
Additional Links
Link to access the resource /en/resources/repository/vaccine-preventable-diseases-including-pipeline-vaccines